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Reading through the Gospels 9

Matthew 1:18-25


Matthew tells the story of Joseph. Dr. Luke did not include the story of Joseph in his writing. Joseph could have, and had intentions on, quietly divorcing Mary.  He could have had her stoned. Joseph thought he only had two choices, but an angel came along and gave him a third choice, to marry Mary. God can open my eyes to other options if I only listen to Him. It was a tradition that an engagement was as permanent as a marriage, and even during an engagement, an affair would lead to a "divorce." Verse 19 indicates Joseph was "righteous" in that he strictly kept the law. Others probably did not approve of Joseph's choice, but after the angel came to him in a dream, Joseph obeyed God, disregarding what others thought.  It doesn't matter what others think, it only matters what God thinks. Matthew refers to Joseph only as the husband of Mary and not the father of Jesus, although he would adopt him as his own and raise him.


The name Jesus means "the Lord saves." Acts 4:12, "And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”


Why make a point to say Joseph had no union with Mary until after she gave birth?  This means that when Jesus was born, Mary and Joseph were still engaged, not official married.  (See my notes of Luke 1:27 ). Jesus is both fully human and fully God. Jesus fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah, for he would be Immanuel "God is with us." (Isaiah 7:14) Jesus was God literally with us here on here. The Holy Spirit is here with us today. The prophecy of the Old Testament was fulfilled.

Copyright Cheryl Rutledge-Brennecke
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