Come on over and have a visit of our personal outdoors that we enjoy so much.
My Garden Changing March - October 2017. I took 8 videos throughout Spring, Summer, and Fall to show how my flower garden changes throughout the year. There is always a new surprise in my garden, almost daily. This made for a long video, but I hope you enjoy watching my garden change as much as I do. It's about the little things.
Make a better place in your space. People have enjoyed videos of my yard, patio, and flower beds in the past, so I thought I would share again. This is where I spend many hours relaxing, watching the birds and little creatures, reading or on my laptop.
I've had quite a few people as me to share a photo of my "sanctuary" on the patio and instead I decided to do a video.
I consider us rather low on the income ratio, but I try hard to make are very small home a pleasant place to reside. At least it is the same for me.
May 2013, two years ago already! Still yet, we had a canopy rather than a patio roof.
July 10, 2011
Video of my flowers (due to requests)-- in the beginning the camera lens is covered with condensation from the heat!