5/19/15 Arrow Prayer: Lord, thank You for today! It is such a perfect wonderful Spring day. What am I going to do with my today? I would like an answer from You and I am not getting one. Does that mean I am supposed to just enjoy the day and not focus on to-do's? That is so hard for me. Why do I always have to be so busy? Why is that in my nature? Help me to do today that which is in Your Will -- for my day is like an open artist's sketchbook ready to be penciled in, but without the eraser on the other end. I cannot go back and re-do life. I cannot take back words. I cannot say words within a circumstance once that moment is gone. I cannot reach into time and grab a moment back. I just want to walk next to You to be sure I'm putting into that sketchbook of life what is right. Thanks again for this beautiful day, Lord.