At Christmas may God open your heart to love, your mind to wonders, your ears to life, and your life to the divine presence.
May you experience God's peace for your troubles, God's forgiveness for your guilt, God's presence for your loneliness, God's light for your path, God's guidance for your journey, and God's joy for your life.
May you know the hope of the Christmas season, the rejoicing and celebration of the carols, the caring found under the mistletoe, the sharing found in giving, the good news proclaimed by the angels, the anticipation and excitement of the prophets, the assurance that all is well found in the Scriptures, and the wonder of God's love found in Jesus.
May you leave with the twinkle of bright lights in your eyes, the joyous sounds of Christmas ringing in your ears, a vision of the Savior in your mind, the spirit of the season in your memory, the joy of the season in your life, the faith of the Christ child in your soul, and the message of the season on your lips. Amen.
by the Rev. Gary Ritner