I am excited to have finally chosen my 2015 word! Here it is December 30th and I have been considering it the entire month and it was not until early this morning when the word finally came to me and I think I love it.
You can read about my previous words as they are linked to blog posts on the "Theme for the Year" word list page on my site. Visit this page for a long list of words to help inspire you.
For me, last year, my word was "less" and although it was something I really wanted, it just did not work like magic as in previous years. I really wanted it to, but it never went too far in growth for me.
For 2015, I considered "be" because when my granddaughter graced this earth for six days, I kept hearing the words "just be."
I also considered "ponder" as Mary pondered these things in her heart and treasured them up, but I realized Mary did just this and no more, keeping it to herself. God made some folks to do just this, but I struggled with that because although I love to ponder, I cannot just stop there.
Then I realized Anna (Luke 2:36-38) not only pondered and studied and prayed and fasted, but she also spoke to others of Jesus.
I love to sit and just be still sitting in a river or creek. I love to just sit and wonder while relaxing at wineries with great views or other magnificent wonders in God's creation. So to "gaze" seemed very fitting for me, that I can sit and gaze, recover, and think (and I am a thinker!) to grow closer to God, and when I'm done, I can share what I have seen.
In a way, this is also fulfilling the "just being" that was pulling at me too. I can spend time "gazing" and "just being" and "pondering" at the same time.
This is what I want for 2015, to travel (whether near in my backyard or close to nearby places or far across the country) and to spend time just "gazing," and all that comes with it as listed in my graphic, at as many wondrous sites as I can gaze at as I grow deeper in understanding of my faith.