My Corner Online



Click here to find the form for Class Credits to download and use. Tammy has done a lot of class lessons here at My Corner Online. View hers as a sample. A big thanks to Tammy for helping me put this form document together; she had some great ideas.


WHEN YOU FINISH A SET and are ready for your award, you can give yourself an icon in your Google document. There are instructions on how to do so.

If you need old credits from when the admin kept credits, please see this page or See the old list of class awards on this page or see this list taken from the forum.


Award yourself an icon on your credit document for every 20 lessons you complete. Some classes may vary in number, such as the ABC class is for 26 letters to earn an icon.

Please complete set 1 before beginning set 2, and so on. You may jump around within each set as you do the challenges, but do not move onto the next set until you complete a set.

When you earn an award, add it to your credit document per the instructions on the form.


Click here to view the class credits folder on Google, for older students to download their form.



Copyright Cheryl Rutledge-Brennecke
Thank you for visiting.

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