My Corner Online


A particular skill: Blending life and art.


This is the guide for the Blending Mode Class to learn about the blending modes in Photoshop and Photoshop Elements.

40 video lessons

40 texture downloads


Watch this introduction video to learn and understand what this class teaches.


The Inside Story (the first lessons)

Focus on one blending mode in each lesson.

Be challenged to create an image with your photos, only the texture download, and using only the blending mode for that lesson.

Think “outside the box” to utilize one texture and only one blending mode to learn about that blending mode.

Share a screen shot of your layers palette (recipe)

See what other students do with the same two tools (texture and blending mode)


The Ending Story (next lessons)

    After focusing on each blending mode and being restricted to one texture, the real playing begins.

    Lessons will focus on techniques to combine with blending modes to branch out your skill level

    Lessons will include combining textures, dreamy photos, dramatic photos with magic black, soft photos, retro photos, lighting effects, brushes, gradient maps, bokeh, post card photos, filters, creating your own textures, and more!

What will you learn?

    Understand how each blending mode works
    Understand the “math”
    Hands-on learning (the best!)
    Understand the categories of blending modes and what each category means
    Pick up tips and techniques
    How to convey a message through art
    Ideas and inspiration for your own photos
    Maybe learn more about program tools


    Edit your own image and share, including a screen shot of your layer’s palette and “recipe.”

    --First, must use same texture and blending mode so everyone can learn from each other.

    --Then, next lessons give you freedom to use any texture combination provided in the class, along with the technique for that lesson.
    Choices – Edit and share an image only, add a quote or text to the image, or take it further and use the photo in a layout.


Copyright Cheryl Rutledge-Brennecke
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