Thank you for this sink of dirty dishes; in means we have plenty of food to eat.
Thank you for this pile of dirty, stinky laundry; in means we have plenty of nice clothes to wear.
Thank you for those unmade beds; they were so warm and comfortable last night; in means I know that many have no bed.
Thank you for this bathroom, complete with all the splattered mirrors, soggy, grimy towels and dirty lavatory; it means convenience.
Thank you for this finger-smudged refrigerator that needs defrosting so badly; it means is full of cold drinks and enough leftovers for two or three meals.
Thank you for this oven that absolutely must be cleaned today. it means I have baked so many things over the years.
Thank you for that tall grass that needs mowing, the lawn that needs raking; it means I can enjoy the yard.
Thank you for that slamming screen door, in means my kids are healthy and able to run and play.
Thank you for the mess to clean after a party, it means I have been surrounded by friends.
Thank you for the taxes I pay, it means that I'm employed.
Thank you for the clothes that fit a little too snug, it means I have enough to eat.
Thank you for my shadow who watches me work, it means I am out in the sunshine.
Thank you for windows that need cleaning and gutters that need fixing, it means I have a home.
Thank you for all the complaining I hear about our government, it means we have freedom of speech.
Thank you for the space I find at the far end of the parking lot, it means I am capable of walking.
Thank you for my huge heating bill, it means I am warm.
Thank you for the lady behind me in church who sings off key, it means that I can hear.
Thank you for the piles of laundry and ironing, it means I have clothes to wear.
Thank you for the weariness and aching muscles at the end of the day, it means I have been productive.
Thank you for the alarm that goes off in the early morning hours, it means that I'm alive.
Thank you for all the email which bogs me down, it means I have friends who are thinking of me.
Thank you when the alarm rings, it means I can hear. There are many who are deaf.
Thank you for the morning light streaming through my window in the morning as I try to squeeze my eyes shut, it means I can see. Many are blind.
Thank you for allowing me to rise out of bed, it means I have strength. There are many who are bedridden.
Thank you for the hectic mornings with my family; it means I am not lonely.
Thank you for the messy table and unbalanced meals, it means we have food. There are many who are hungry;
Thank you for my routine, hard job; it means I have the opportunity to work. There are many who have no job.
Thank you for the teenager who is watching t.v., instead of doing dishes because that means he is at home and not on the streets.
Thank you for the parking spot I find at the far end of the parking lot, because it means I am capable of walking and that I have been blessed with transportation.
Thank you for the loud music my children are playing because it means they are home and are safe;
We can legitimately complain about a lot of things and stuff around us, but here is a whole new way of look at things.