A Accept them as person.
B Build them up. Say "thank you."
C Communicate with them.
D Defend them when someone is trying to run them down.
E Entertain them. They like to have fun, too!
F Family. See that they have a family life
G Genuine. Be honest with them. Be yourself around them.
H Honor them. Do not put them on a pedestal, but respect them.
I Income. Pay them enough so that money doesn't become a major problem.
J Judge not! Don't be judgmental.
K Kind. Be kind to your ministers.
L Love. See 1 Corinthians 13.
M Maintain. Their families have the same needs as any other family.
N Nurture. Help them grow in grace.
O Offer to help. The list of things we can do is endless.
P Pray for them. Lift up their names to God daily.
Q Quench not. Encourage them.
R Rejoice in and with them.
S Surprise them. There are so many ways.
T Trust them. Believe in them.
U Understand them. Put yourself in their place.
V Vacation. They need time away.
W Welcome them into your home. Don't wait for them to make the first move.
X eXpend yourself, not them.
Y Yoke. Help them bear their yoke with grace and dignity.
Z Zap all gossip!
--East McKinney Christian Church, McKinney, Texas