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Chapter A - Heinrich "August" Julius Brennecke
Chapter B - Heinrich (Henry) Ludwig Brennecke
Chapter C - Georg August Friedrich Brennecke
Chapter D - Carl August Friedrich (Fred) Brennecke
Chapter E - Georg Friedrich Wilhelm (William) Brennecke
Chapter F - Hanna Justine Louisa (Louise) Brennecke
Chapter G - Johann Heinrich Christian Carl (Charles) Brennecke (our line)
Chapter H - Johanna Caroline Friedrike Brennecke
Chapter I - George (Schoose) H. Brennecke
Chapter J - Johann Franklin (Frank) Brennecke
Chapter K - Johann Jacob (Jake) Brennecke
The Jacob "Jake" Brennecke family owe special thanks to the lat Herbert Schaper, a grandson of Jake, for the early family genealogy that he so patiently and methodically collected over a period of years and then organized into the first Brennecke Family History. It was typed by another cousin and published in 1977.
Jacob was born on July 14, 1853, at the family home on land that his father had purchased from the Federal government in 1845; his father was the original owner. The farm was between Tilsit and Jackson. Jacob was the eleventh and last child of August and Wilhelmine Eickenmeier Brennecke: his parents were born in Germany. He was baptized at Zion Methodist Church on November 18, 1853 by Rev. Heinrich Koneke. Jacob was three years old when his father died in 1856, and he was still living with his mother when she died in 1871. Jacob sold the 60 acres of land where htye had lived during the Civil War to the Karl Schaper family for $700.
Jacob married Henrietta Peetz on February 6, 1877. She was born on April 6, 1855, and was the daughter of Johann Heinrich Gottlieb Patz and Johann Sophie Henrietta Bolm Patz. Soon after their marriage, they purchased a farm about three miles west of Jackson (now a subdivision called Lakeview Acres.) They were prosperous farmers. There were six children born to Jacob and Henrietta; they were August F., Henry M., Anna H., Alvin W., Joseph "Joe"; and Benjamin (died in infancy). Both Jacob and Henrietta were living on the farm at the time of their deaths. Jacob died December 30, 1935, and Henrietta on July 4, 1936. They are both buried in Russell Heights Cemetery, Jackson, MO.
My grandfather, Jacob "Jake" Brennecke was a great storyteller. Often when there was a family gathering he liked to gather his grandchildren around him and talk. Also, frequently he and Grandma would drive in with their horse and buggy, usually late in the afternoon, and say they had come to stay all night. Those occasions were "red letter days" for us because we knew what to expect. After supper Grandpa would push back his chair, scratch his bald head, and begin talking. I will try to retell some of the stories he told, as best I remember them. Time has dimmed my recollection of many of them, so I cannot vouch for their accuracy.
During the Civil War period the Brennecke's home was on their land, about half-way between Jackson and Tilsit, which is now owned by the Schaper family. The buildings stood on the long ridge about one-half mile north of the present Schaper buildings. All that remains to mark the place is a sunken spot where the old stone-walled cistern was. There is also a small pond, which Grandpa said was a buffalo wallow.
Grandpa and his mother (Wilhelmine) lived here during the Civil War. All the older children were gone from home. His brothers, William and Charles, were in the Union Army. This area was about the dividing line between the North and South; therefore, there was a great deal of guerilla or bushwhacker activity. The bushwhackers, who generally owed allegiance to neither the North nor South, often raided this settlement of German immigrants, stealing horses, cattle, hogs, chickens, money, or anything of value that they wanted. These things they usually sold to the highest bidder, either the Union or Confederate army.
Some of these guerillas were from this region and were known by Grandpa. He often named families implicated in the raids. After the war, of course, he had little respect for them; however, some of the former bushwhackers' children were his great friends. One of the main hideouts of the guerillas was the swamp and Hickory Ridge region west of Delta. The leaders were the Bolens. One of the Bolen brothers was convicted and hanged by a military court in Cape Girardeau.
When the bushwhackers were in the vicinity, the German immigrants would warn each other. They would take their livestock and anything else of value they could carry and head for the community hiding place, which was a deep, rocky, wooded ravine northwest of the old Sandy Ridge school and east of the old Brennecke farm.
The bushwhackers on one raid gathered up seven German immigrants from the community. I remember only the names Loos, Soehlig, and Sievers. They were taken to Round Pond, later the location of Oak Valley School and now the home of Andy and Ann Withers. There a large fallen tree had lodged in the forks of another standing tree. One by one, each captive was made to climb this leaning tree as far as he could. When he reached the top he was shot dead; then another was sent up until all seven were massacred. A few days later the news reached the Tilsit community, and a burial detail was sent down to bury the victims there.
Once the bushwhackers came where Grandpa and his mother were living, as told at the beginning of these anecdotes. Everything of value had already been stolen on previous raids, but the raiders weren't convinced and thought they were hiding something. One grabbed Grandpa's mother by the hair and began torturing her. Grandpa picked up a stick of wood and clobbered him. In retaliation the bushwhacker slashed Grandpa with a knife and severed a tendon on the back side of his knee. Finally the raiders were convinced there was nothing to steal and left. Grandpa was unable to walk. Great grandmother went to their neighbors, the Bolen Criddles, whose plantation was the adjoining place northeast of the Brenneckes. Part of the Criddle farm was owned by Leo Peetz until recently. The Criddles owned slaves and, of course, were Confederates; however, the Criddles brought food, took Grandpa to the doctor to have the tendon repaired, and then took care of them until he was well again. In later years, one of the Criddle daughters was a neighbor of Grandpa and Grandma and a very close friend. This is an example of brotherly love and compassion between Unionists and Confederates.
Elmer Schaper remembers this story. After the Battle of Cape Girardeau, a wounded Confederate soldier rode to the Brennecke home. Grandmother, Grandpa Jacob, and his mother (Wilhelmine) took him in. They got Dr. Pace from Jackson who took care of his wounds. They hid him out and nursed him until he recovered. When the Confederate was ready to leave he insisted on leaving his horse as payment for the kindness he had received. The Brennecke's kept Major, the horse, for many years.
Some years after the war, Grandpa was on horseback on a cattle-buying trip in Bollinger County. On the road he met the fellow who had slashed him. In those days it wasn't safe to travel unarmed so he carried a long-barreled "horse-pistol" in his saddlebag. He pulled it out and intended to shoot the ex-bushwhacker. He groveled on the ground and begged for mercy. Grandpa wisely let him go.
Jacob Brennecke sold the sixty acres of land, where he and his mother had lived during the war, to the Karl Schaper family for $700.
After their marriage, Grandpa and Grandma bought and settled on a farm about three miles west of Jackson, now lying between Highways 34 and 72. It is now a subdivision known as Lakeview Acres.
During the war a group of Union solders were camping in the woods on the eastern side of this farm. A group of Confederate soldiers came along the old Jackson-Burfordville road. They set up their cannon near the old Cane Creek School and fired into the Union camp, killing four of them. The rest ran away. Grandpa showed us the depression in the woods where the grave for them was dug, but it was decided to bury them elsewhere. Many of the big oak and poplar trees in this woods had deep overgrown scars caused by the cannon shot "minie balls."
[Note: See also the translation of December 26, 1868 letter from Wilhelmine Brennecke and Karl Neumeyer to Heinrich August Brennecke in August's chapter.]
Grandpa was quite a machinist in his day. He owned a twelve-horsepower Belleville steam traction engine, which he used for power in sawing lumber and drilling wells. Among Grandpa's papers we found a bill of sale in which he traded this Belleville engine for an eighteen-horsepower Advance traction engine in the year 1908. For many years both engines stood by the sawmill in Grandpa's woods. While the sons August, Henry, Joe, and Alvin were home, they did a lot of custom sawing and well drilling. The Advance engine was finally sold to Meyer Brothers who used it to power a thresher.
Travelers, peddlers, tramps, beggars, etc., were always welcomed at Grandpa and Grandma Brennecke's home. They were invited in for meals and to spend the night if it was evening. My mother told the story that a tramp brought in an infestation of body lice. Grandma didn't appreciate this.
Once when my sister Louise and I were about 10 to 12 years old and spending a week with Grandpa and Grandma, two young Mormon missionaries named McKay and Bunderson were holding nightly preachings at Cane Creek School. We attended and the young men were invited to spend the week with the Brennecke's. I remember that Grandpa was very inquisitive and the conversations he had with the young missionaries about the Mormon religion.
Grandpa was interested in many things. His religious beliefs could probably be described as moderate. He grew up as a member of Zion Methodist Church. Grandma Brennecke was a member of St. James Evangelical Church at Tilsit. After their marriage he became a member of that church. Later they transferred their membership to the Emmanual Church in Jackson. Grandpa had little patience with those whose religious beliefs were rather intolerant.
"Jake" Brennecke was too "antsy" and nervous to sit still and talk very long with older people, as was considered fitting and proper in those days. When visiting on Sundays or other holidays, he would soon slip away from the older folks and join the grandchildren and take part in what they were doing.
Grandpa raised a lot of grapes and cherries and in this way kept the wine cellar well stocked. We grandchildren soon learned to follow when Grandpa headed for the cellar. Grandpa was not a heavy drinker, but a glass of wine was a must when company came.
Once, on a cold winter day, Grandpa went to Jackson. He went to the saloon for a few drinks to help him get thawed out and probably had one too many. A farm was being sold on the courthouse steps on a tax sale. Grandpa bid $800 and bought it sight unseen. A few days later we went to see what he had bought. It lay southwest of Whitewater and north of the Little German Methodist Church. He liked what he had bought and wanted to move the family down there and make that their home, but Grandma would not hear of it. She said she wouldn't take their children there to die of typhoid and malaria. That was "swamp country" then and considered a very unhealthy place to live.
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Anna was the third child of Jake and Henrietta, and the mother of Elmer, Herb, and Louise Schaper. She wrote a letter at the age of 14 to her Uncle August who had remained in Germany. A copy of that letter was recently acquired from the descendents of August in Germany by Norman and Marlene Brennecke and translated by them below. The letter provides some insight into Jake's family and what was happening at that time.
At Cape Girardeau Co. Mo.
Oct. 1, 1895
Dear uncle and aunt,
Since Papa does not write well, I am therefore writing our letter to you. We are all well and hearty and hope you are the same. All is good here also.
Buying is cheap. Wheat costs 53 cents. We threshed 504 bushels. Papa bought some wheat yesterday to sow. He will sow about 40 to 45 acres. Papa has about 24 acres planted in corn.
We are a family of five children. We are named August, Heinrich, Anna, Alvin, and Joseph. August is 18 years old and Joseph is 9 years old. The youngest is dead. He was Benjamin, who went earlier to the angelic Wilhelm rather than Alvin. He should be with the German Wilhelm. [Editorial Note: Wilhelm was the son of August in Germany and died as a youth.]
Heinrich has his birthday today. He is 17 years old. My Papa is 42 years old. Mama is 40 years old.
Uncle Wilhelm Brennecke has also written a letter and he has received no answer and Uncle Neumeier and Aunt Louise also have written letters and Aunt Louise sent a picture and the letter was returned again and in the event Papa has written the wrong address, I want to write once to see if I receive an answer. Now my aunt wants to send her picture and letter and another and hopes that she too is answered.
The other immigrants are all healthy so far as we know. So now I bring my letter to an end. From your niece
Anna Brennecke
daughter of Jakob Brennecke
You must not forget you have not yet written.
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by Wm. H. Davault, Son-in-Law
Joe, the next-to-the-youngest child of Jake and Henrietta Brennecke, was born and raised on a farm about three miles west of Jackson. He spent a few years in California, Oregon, and Washington where he worked for cattle and sheep ranchers and wheat farmers - an experience he never forgot. He bought an excellent second-bottom farm on historic old Bloomfield Road between Dutchtown and Allenville, Missouri. He had a very large flock of high-bred Leghorn hens, high-producing Hampshire sows, and the very best type of Holstein cows. He sold cream and eggs in Cape Girardeau. Unfortunately, during the great depression pork was only 3 cents a pound, eggs 10 cents a dozen, and cream 20 cents a pound. When the Federal Land Bank wrongly crowded their farm loanees, Joe let them have it. He moved to Allenville to become postmaster and merchant where he was very successful. He loved to dance, swim, and go places. Given the least excuse he would go driving, to town or to just visit. It was often said of Joe that he would go anywhere, even to a "hind-end kicking."
1 Johann August Friedrich BRENNECKE
b: November 5, 1801 in Sebexen, Hanover, Germany
d: October 8, 1856 in Zion United Methodist Ch. Gordonville Missouri Age at death: 54
Number of children: 11
Occupation: farm laborer and linen weaver
Special Comment: Emigrated to USA November 1844
+Engel Christine Wilhelmine EICKEMEIER
b: December 5, 1806 in Alshausen, Dukedom of Braunschweig, Germany
d: March 20, 1871 in Zion United Methodist Ch. Gordonville, Missouri Age at death: 64
m: July 12, 1829 in Sebexen, Hanover, Germany
Number of children: 11
2 Johann Jacob BRENNECKE
b: July 14, 1853
d: December 30, 1935 in Russell Heights Cemetery, Jackson, MO
Age at death: 82
Number of children: 6
Baptism: November 16, 1853 by Rev. Heinrich Koneke
Special Comment: birth records from old Catechism Cover; Also Anna Brennecke Schaper list. Birth record also listed in Zion United Methodist Church records.
Special Comment: death records from Cape Co. records of Book D, page 356.
+Henrietta PEETZ
b: April 6, 1855
d: July 4, 1936 Russell Heights Cemetery, Jackson, MO
Age at death: 81
m: February 6, 1877 by Rev. Delvean
Number of children: 6
3 August Frederick BRENNECKE
b: April 29, 1878
d: September 6, 1957 in Gage, Okalhoma, Cemetery
Age at death: 79
Number of children: 3
+Ida Emma HINCK
b: February 6, 1979
d: August 30, 1964
Age at death: -14
m: April 16, 1911 in Zion United Methodist Ch. Gordonville, MO
Number of children: 3
4 Anna Bertha BRENNECKE
b: 1912
d: 1913 in Gage, Oklahoma, Cemetery
Age at death: 1 est.
4 Freda Maude BRENNECKE
b: March 26, 1914
d: August 12, 1973 in Rose Hills Cemetery, Whittier, CA Age at death: 59
Number of children: 2
+Arno Eldred HAINES
b: March 15, 1907
d: April 17, 1975
Age at death: 68
m: February 15, 1933 in Gage, OK Number of children: 2
4 George Frederick BRENNECKE
b: November 27, 1917
d: September 23, 1995 Age at death: 77
4 George Frederick BRENNECKE
b: November 27, 1917 in Gage, OK
d: September 23, 1995
Age at death: 77
Occupation: Lockheed Airplane Mfg.
3 Henry Monroe BRENNECKE
b: September 29, 1878
d: October 23, 1952 in Russell Heights Cemetery, Jackson, MO
Age at death: 74
Number of children: 5
Occupation: Owner and Founder of Brennecke Chevrolet, Jackson, MO
+Anna AMOS
b: May 20, 1881
d: January 10, 1919 in Russell Heights Cemetery, Jackson, MO
Age at death: 37
Number of children: 5
4 CHILD: buried in Old City Cemetery, Jackson, MO
By Norman Brennecke
I visited Brennecke Beach several times in the 1980's and 90's before I finally got to meet the well-known and respected Marvin Brennecke. The first time I met him, in the fall of 1990, we had lunch at a major hotel in Lihue and chatted a good while. The next time (October 1993), he invited us to his home on the hill in Waimea, overlooking the town and the ocean, where we sat outside and ate tropical fruit from his trees. Dr. Brennecke, a tall, slim, well-respected gentleman, died a year later. His name and memory live on in Kauai, Hawaii.
Here is what I recall from my conversations with him.
Marvin graduated from Washington U., St. Louis, MO, as an MD in 1930. After a year's internship, he accepted a job in Hawaii, where he worked and lived in Poipu in south Kauai. He built a small house on the beach at Poipu, which he later used only occasionally and eventually rented out. His work included service at the hospital at Eleele where he met and fell in love with a nurse. The marriage ended in divorce after 16 years - no children.
After the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, everyone was on edge. Lights were darkened, food and fuel were carefully managed, and the shores were constantly patrolled. One day, there was a big stir when a Japanese
aviator was found on Niihau Island (just off Kauai). He claimed not to know about the war.
Certified by the College of Surgeons in 1944, he moved permanently to a new home on a hill overlooking the town of Waimea, on Ola Road, where he remained. While a doctor in Waimea, he was called to active duty in the Army. Dr. Brennecke became known outside of Hawaii for his medical treatment research, which he published and presented at medical conferences. He continued as a plantation doctor on Kauai right up to his retirement in 1977. Between 1972-75 he also worked in the St. Andrew Emergency Room.
His early home in Poipu included an indented beach on the property, next to the house, which was popular for body surfing and became known throughout the world as Brennecke Beach. He became the namesake for a popular restaurant that was built nearby, called Brennecke's Beach Broiler at Poipu Beach Park. The restaurant is about 100 yards down the beach road from Brennecke Beach, across the road from the Poipu Beach Park "entrance". Brennecke Beach is now incorporated into Poipu Beach and the restaurant continues to prosper. He rented out his Poipu beach property from 1975 until the house was destroyed by Hurricane Iniki in 1982. In late 1993, he donated the beach property to Washington U. with the provision that it be sold to Kauai as an extension of Poipu Beach Park. In addition to his Waimea home, he also had homes in Honolulu and San Francisco. He died a year later in October 1994.
Aloha, Sorry, Marvin didn't begin the restaurant! This was back in 1983, following Hurricane Iwa (which destroyed Marvin's beach house and beach), I named it Brennecke's for the beach that I grew up body surfing as a kid in Poipu.
The story of the immigrant turned beachcomber is really a story about my predecessors that arrived in Hawaii about 1900. I took the liberty of artistic license to change some of the name around. The story line didn't make the menu jacket for 2-3 years after our opening. I did show it to Marvin before we printed it (as a courtesy), we discussed our plans and had a chuckle.
The State of Hawaii owns all beaches (up to the high water or vegetation line) on all the islands. Marvin had a beach house adjacent a small beach that took on his name around the mid-1940s. I don't know if he built the home or bought it. My understanding is that the beach used to extend much further inland, which is now where the County's Hoone Road and several beach properties stand. Hurricane Iwa completely reconfigured the coastline in that area. There was some concern about replacing the road, but the was some strong local pressure that made them replace the road. Marvin's home was never rebuilt. He deeded the lot to his former alma mater. After his death in 1989 or so, the property was sold back to the County for future park expansion.
I took over an old building (formerly the Poipu Inn) across from the Poipu Beach Park in 1982. It's about 200 yards Marvin's old home and beach. Close enough though
Did you see the website (, the homepage is a view of Poipu Beach Park! I have a picture in the restaurant of our family posed on the beach wall in 1953, with Marvin's house vaguely in the background.
Max Graham, an attorney in Lihue has a beautiful painting of Brennecke's Beach! I saw another one at a friend's, Kamm Floria here in Poipu a month or so ago.
As a child, we lived across the street, two houses up from Brennecke's. I spent a lot of time there as an adolescent, surfing. These were the days before the Morey Boogie Board. We mostly body surfed and Paipo boarded.
Mahalo, hope to see you in the restaurant sometime.
b: February 12, 1906
d: October 23, 1994 Age at death: 88
Occupation: Medical Doctor
Special comment: Owner and Founder of Brennecke Beach, Hawaii
4 Clarence Jacob BRENNECKE
b: March 19, 1907
d: January 31, 1975 in Russell Heights Cemetery, Jackson, MO
Age at death: 67
Number of children: 2
Occupation: President, Brennecke Chevrolet, Jackson, MO
b: December 19, 1908
d: October 7, 1966 in Russell Heights Cemetery, Jackson, MO
Age at death: 57
m: April 15, 1931
Number of children: 2
b: April 28, 1910
Number of children: 4
+Cornelius BIEGENER
b: June 5, 1904
d: April 1993
Age at death: 88 est.
m: December 30, 1933
Number of children: 4
b: November 7, 1918
Number of children: 3
b: May 12, 1915
m: April 22, 1944
Number of children: 3
*2nd Wife of Henry Monroe Brennecke:
b: April 26, 1886
d: March 10, 1974
Age at death: 87
m: June 21, 1930
3 Anna Caroline Henrietta BRENNECKE
b: January 26, 1881
d: November 27, 1974 in Russell Heights Cemetery, Jackson, MO
Age at death: 93
Number of children: 3
+Louis Herman Frederick SCHAPER
b: July 7, 1878
d: March 31, 1958 in Russell Heights Cemetery, Jackson, MO
Age at death: 79
m: November 1, 1906
Number of children: 3
4 Elmer Roscoe SCHAPER
b: September 28, 1907
d: February 6, 1992 Age at death: 84
Number of children: 4
b: April 18, 1919
d: June 27, 1973 in Russell Heights Cemetery, Jackson, MO
Age at death: 54
m: October 3, 1941 Number of children: 4
4 Herbert Alvin SCHAPER
b: November 4, 1908
d: March 16, 1997
Age at death: 88
4 Louise Anna SCHAPER
b: September 8, 1913
Number of children: 4
+Frank Albert MILDE, Sr.
b: July 10, 1914
d: January 28, 1983
Age at death: 68
m: June 7, 1938
Number of children: 4
3 Alvin Wilson BRENNECKE
b: March 1, 1883
d: August 30, 1978
Age at death: 95
3 Joseph Henry "Joe" BRENNECKE
b: August 21, 1886 near Jackson, MO
d: April 7, 1970 in Memorial Park Cemetery, Cape Girardeau, MO
Age at death: 83
Number of children: 2
+Cora Martha CHOSTNER
b: August 8, 1886 in Scopus, MO
d: January 3, 1975 in Memorial Park Cemetery, Cape Girardeau Age at death: 88
m: September 28, 1911 in Marble Hill, MO
Number of children: 2
Special comment: entered at Marble Hill courthouse as Martha Louvenia Chostner,
but has gone all her life as Cora Martha Social Sec.
The obituaries of Joseph "Joe" and Cora Brennecke are not correct. In the first paragraph, it should read: "Soon after their marriage on September 28, 1911, they went to California (also short time in Oregon) to live and remained there three years. Upon their return, they lived on the farm (west of Jackson) a few years where Joe was born and raised. Their first child, Carmen Brennecke, was born there May 30, 1919. In late 1919 or early 1920 they bought a farm 3 miles west of Dutchtown and Joe farmed until the fall of 1931 when he became the Postmaster at Allenville, Mo. They also operated a general store in Allenville. The family moved there in early 1932." (Written by Doris Brennecke Davault, daughter of Joe and Cora Brennecke)
4 Carmen Marie BRENNECKE
b: May 30, 1919 near Jackson, MO
d: January 8, 2000 in Memorial Park Cemetery, Cape Girardeau, MO
Age at death: 80
Number of children: 5
Occupation: High School Principal and Teacher
+James Roscoe BELOW
b: September 16, 1915 in Kentucky
d: February 28, 1977 in Memorial Park Cemetery, Cape Girardeau
Age at death: 61
m: August 18, 1939 in Jackson, MO Number of children: 5
b: October 25, 1920 in Cape Girardeau County, near Dutchtown, MO
Number of children: 2
Occupation: High School Business Teacher
+William Hughes DAVAULT
b: June 14, 1916 in Shawneetown, MO
m: November 20, 1941 in First Baptist Church, Cape Girardeau, MO
Number of children: 2
3 Benjamin J. BRENNECKE
b: August 1, 1890
d: April 19, 1891 in St. James Cemetery, Tilsit, MO
Age at death: 0