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Brennecke Genealogy

Brennecke Links | Brennecke Crest | German Church

Cluster 1 (Sebexen, Hanover, Germany to Gordonville, Missouri) (our line)

Cluster 2 (Austria, Germany) | Cluster 3 (Ringelheim, Germany, to St. Louis)

Cluster 4 (Goddenstedt, Germany to America) | Cluster 5 ( Heidelburg, Germany to Marshall County, Iowa)

Cluster 6 (Evansville, Indiana, to Nashville, Tennessee) | Cluster 7 (Essinghausen, Germany, to Quincy, Illinois)

Cluster 8 (Hanover, Germany, to New York) | Cluster 9 Hanover, Germany, to Walhalla South Carolina)


Charles David Brennecke

(searching for contact to this line)

This information of the descendants of Charles David Brennecke was obtain from:

Eleanor Brennecke Evans, Salt Lake City, Utah

who communicated with Herb Schaper (Cluster #1) and provided her information to him.

and brothers Karl and David Brennecke


OBITUARY Died July 8, 1893

Charles Brennecke, one of Marshall County's oldest settlers and most respected citizens, died at 4:00 PM Saturday, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Thomas Danskin, age 79 years and four days. Funeral services were held at 3:00 PM Monday at the residence, conducted by Dr., J.A. Ward, of the First Methodist Church, assisted by Rev. J.F. Muller of the German Lutheran Church.

Charles Brennecke was born at Heidelburg, Germany, July 4, 1815. His father was Prussian, and belonged to a very strong, long-lived family, having two brothers and three sisters, all of whom preceded him in death. Charles received an excellent education, studying architecture and building in Berlin, and graduating at the age of 17. He was an extraordinary able young man, being entrusted with the direction of over 200 men when he was only 19. After graduation he served the usual term in the army, and then plunged into building contracts with great vigor. He constructed the first beet sugar refinery in Europe and the first railroad built out of Berlin.

In the early forties, at the age of 28 or 29, he came to America, taking sixty days for the trip, and settling first at Cumberland, Md., where he built the United States Hotel and the long bridge at Harpers Ferry. Two years after reaching America he was married to Miss Catherine Anna Reimenschneider, who preceded him to the tomb eight years ago. Of this union seven children were born, Lena, who died many years ago; Emma, who married D.O. Parret, who died last December; Mrs. Augusta Danskin and Mrs. Joanna Meickley of this city; John Brennecke, who lives seven and one half south east of Marshalltown, in Timber Creek township; Frank Brennecke and Miss Nellie Brennecke both of this city.

Charles Brennecke moved to Iowa in 1854 making his first home at Rock Valley Mills, five and one-half miles southeast of Marshalltown. He lived there twelve years, farming and operating a saw mill, a grist mill and lime kiln and becoming the proprietor of one of the first stores in Marshall County, before Marshalltown possessed any such luxury. He was a true pioneer and in his later years would tell many interesting stories of those days.

Commencing with a small capital at his marriage, Mr. Brennecke amassed a snug fortune and spent his later years at ease. He lived in Marshalltown continuously after 1866, with the exception of a trip back to Germany in 1878. In July 1890 he had a hemorrhage of the brain that weakened him very much and in December 1891 a second hemorrhage made death a question only of time. Mr. Brennecke was a member of the Lutheran Church and an excellent citizen, loved and respected by all who knew him. His life was a memorable one, and many of the accomplishments of his earlier years were remarkable.

The funeral service Monday was most impressive. Messrs. F.B. Elliott, C. Durell, H.B. Miller, and H.T. Whitney sang several selections.

The pall bearers were chosen from amount the prominent old settlers as follows: Louis Armbruster, Henry Moler, George Harrison, B.E. Shirk, James Morrell, and George Sower



I am providing the transcriptions here as they put a little light on the research and may help us make connections. Where a dot, dot, dot (...) is seen, transcription has been skipped, leaving more pertinent communications.

May 11, 1977

Dear Doctor Brennecke: (This was written to Dr. Marvin Brennecke, Hawaii, Cluster #1)

My sister, Edith Brennecke Reisser and I, Eleanor Brennecke Evans, were in the Hawaiian Islands for two weeks.......

When you read the obituary, there is only one person left who is living of John Brennecke's seven childrenGrace Brennecke, who never married and is now residing in a nursing home in Marshalltown, Iowa. She is 90. She was the daughter of John Brennecke who was our grandfather. Charles Brennecke was our great grandfather. Our father, Lawrence, died in 1950. He was 55.

I have two sisters, Edith, who was in Hawaii with me recently, and Barbara, who met you in 1954. Edith lives in Orinda, Calif. And if you are ever near San Francisco she would love to have you visit her. She has four children, and her husband Al is in the advertising business.

......The writer of this letter on the obituary , Mrs. Charles Brennecke, wife of Charles Brennecke, who was one of the sons of John Brennecke died one year ago. Amy Bracewell, daughter of John Brennecke, died two years ago of cancer. Grace is the only one left of the seven children of John Brennecke.

Eleanor Brennecke Evans

Biography of Charles David Brennecke
By: Karl Brennecke

In October 19, 1840, Charles emigrated from Germany at the age of 26 and settled in Cumberland, Maryland where he built the "United States Hotel;" built the first long bridge across Harpers Ferry; and was paid in land patents for Carroll County, Iowa. He married Catherine Ann Riemenschneider of Heidelburg, Germany in 1844, in Cumberland, Maryland. Three children were born in Maryland, Lena, Emma, and Augusta, before moving to LeGrand Township, Marshall County, Iowa in 1854, settling on Timber Creek, owning and operating the Rock Valley Mill. He owned a farm, saw mill, and grist mill at that location, living there until 1866, when he moved to Marshalltown, Marshall County, Iowa. He revisited Europe in 1878 and was gone at the writing of the 1878 Historical Atlas of Marshall County. Sometime after his return, he suffered a slight stroke, and was in declining health until his death in 1893. His wife Catherine, preceded him in death in 1885, and a daughter, Lena, died in 1870.
His estate consisted of 560 acres of land, and monies and credits amount to $12,893.61, according to Probate, July 29, 1893. Over $2,300.00 was distributed to the five living children a piece. His funeral expense were: casket $140, embalming $20, burial fee $4, and tombstone engraving $109.75. He left no Will, and his estate was administered by John Brennecke, his son, and was divided between 5 children, John, Frank, Nellie, Johana Meickley, August Danskin, and five children of his deceased daughter, Emmily Parret, Nellie May, Kate Jane, Frederic, Pearl, and Florence Parrett. Lawyers fee to settle the esate was $50.00 Information gleaned from the 1878 Marshall County Historical Atlas, District Court Clerk's Office, Marshall County packet 1300, and a few family notes.
In searching documents for his or Catherine's parentage, the immigration list listed him as Charles Breunkee. The naturalization record spells his name correctly and acknowledges he ahs spent the required 5 years and 1 year immediately preceding his application for citizenship in the State of Maryland. He was naturalized on November 4, 1848, in Allegany Court by Henry Bruce, Clerk. He was pledged to absolutely and entirely renounce and adjourne all allegiance and fidelity to every foreign prince, postulate, or sovereignty whats even and particularly to the King of Prussia to whom he was formerly subject. There followed a test. The marriage license found issued from Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for Allegany County, State of Maryland, upon the 19th day of June, 1844 to Charles Brennech and Catherine Rainischirder. It was further noted that Ministers of the Gospel who were authorized to celebrate the rite of marriage in the State of Maryland in the year 1844, were not required by law to make, and did not make return, in any manner of the marriages solemnized by them. This document was certified by Raymond W. Walker, Clerk of Circuit Court for Allegany County at Cumberland, Maryland, this 19th day of February A.D. 1993.




Descendants of Charles David Brennecke


1 Charles David BRENNECKE
b: July 4, 1814 in Heidelburg, Germany
d: July 8, 1893 in Marshall County, IowaAge at death: 79
Number of children: 7
Residence: Lived in Cumberland, Maryland, for nine years;
moved to LeGrand TWP Marshall County, Iowa, and then Marshalltown, Iowa


b: October 8, 1823 in Germany
d: January 22, 1885 in Marshalltown, Marshall County, Iowa

Age at death: 61
m: June 28, 1884 in Cumberland, MarylandNumber of children: 7


b: 1856 in Marshall County, Iowa
Number of children: 2


+Martin Ludwig MEICKLEY
b: March 20, 1844
d: January 1934

Age at death: 89 est.
Number of children: 2


3 Karl B. Meickley MEICKLEY
b: November 22, 1885
d: October 17, 1948Age at death: 62
Number of children: 2


+Hazel DAVIS
b: August 10, 1888
d: October 22, 1956Age at death: 68
Number of children: 2


4 Marcia Louis MEICKLEY
b: December 18, 1916
Number of children: 2


+Maurice Eldon UHLENHOPP
b: September 24, 1916
Number of children: 2


4 Wilberta Nelle MEICKLEY
b: February 13, 1920
Number of children: 3


+Dain Demarest CARR
b: November 26, 1914
Number of children: 3


b: February 20, 1888
d: December 30, 1951Age at death: 63


b: March 11, 1845 in Cumberland, Maryland
d: December 9, 1870 in Marshalltown, Marshall County, Iowa
Age at death: 25
Special Comment: Never married


2 Emma (Amelia) BRENNECKE
b: January 17, 1847 in Cumberland, Maryland
d: December 13, 1892 in Marshall County, IowaAge at death: 45
Number of children: 5


Number of children: 5


3 Kate Jane PARRETT
b: 1878
Number of children: 1


+Harry CAPPS
Number of children: 1


4 Samuel CAPPS


3 Frederick PARRETT
b: 1880


3 Florence PARRETT
b: 1886
Number of children: 1


Number of children: 1


4 Helen WATTS
Number of children: 1


Number of children: 1


3 Nellie May PARRETT
b: 1876




3 Pearl Pink PARRETT
b: October 22, 1882


+George Grant RANDALL


b: January 7, 1852 in Cumberland, Maryland
d: July 10, 1927 in Marshall County, IowaAge at death: 75
Special Comment: No children




2 John Charles BRENNECKE
b: July 16, 1859 in Marshall County, Iowa
d: 1940 in St. Petersberg, FloridaAge at death: 81 est.
Number of children: 7
Occupation: Farmer


+Amanda SMITH
m: 1880
Number of children: 4


3 Frederic C. BRENNECKE
b: June 2, 1881
d: January 29, 1963Age at death: 81
Number of children: 3


b: November 14, 1881
d: October 18, 1973Age at death: 91
Number of children: 3


b: August 10, 1904Number of children: 1


+Earl BECKERNumber of children: 1


4 Arthur Lynn BRENNECKE
b: April 20, 1906Number of children: 2


+Alice ALLEN
Number of children: 2


b: April 17, 1940


b: October 30, 1916
Number of children: 3


b: January 20, 1919
Number of children: 3


b: October 23, 1883d: January 5, 1952Age at death: 68
Number of children: 3


b: September 23, 1885d: March 5, 1963Age at death: 77
Number of children: 3


b: 1924 Number of children: 4


Number of children: 4

b: December 9, 1911
d: July 26, 1984Age at death: 72
Number of children: 2


+Dorothy ANKRUM
b: September 6, 1915
d: April 12, 1991Age at death: 75
Number of children: 2


b: August 16, 1913
d: January 21, 1993Age at death: 79
Number of children: 1


+Mary H. BLAIR
Number of children: 1


b: October 19, 1886

d: December 24, 1981Age at death: 95


b: July 14, 1889
d: November 13, 1975Age at death: 86


d: 1965

Age at death: ?


*2nd Wife of John Charles BRENNECKE
+Phoebe SMITH
Number of children: 3
Special Comment: Phoebe is the niece of Amanda


3 Lawrence BRENNECKE
b: January 22, 1895
d: February 4, 1950Age at death: 55
Number of children: 3


b: September 28, 1896
d: July 7, 1969Age at death: 72
Number of children: 3







+Charles EVANS


Number of children: 2


Number of children: 2


3 Charles David BRENNECKE
b: February 23, 1899
d: March 27, 1976Age at death: 77
Number of children: 8


+Mildred WELLONS
b: August 3, 1902
d: March 1, 1985Age at death: 82
Number of children: 8


4 Marian Jean BRENNECKE
b: March 14, 1924
Number of children: 4


Number of children: 4


b: March 21, 1926
Number of children: 7


+Milo Forrest COPPES
b: August 13, 1921
d: May 26, 1992

Age at death: 70
Number of children: 7


b: June 5, 1928Number of children: 6


+Eloise DRAKE
b: August 14, 1931
Number of children: 6


b: January 29, 1930
Number of children: 2


b: July 17, 1929
Number of children: 2

4 Katherine E. BRENNECKE
b: January 11, 1932
d: June 25, 1932

Age at death: 0


4 David Louis BRENNECKE
b: March 15, 1934
Number of children: 6


+Deanna Rae MCBROOM
b: August 14, 1937
Number of children: 6


4 Janet Nelle BRENNECKE
b: August 17, 1937
d: July 26, 1943Age at death: 5


b: July 30, 1942
Number of children: 4


+Mary Lois AHERN
b: July 1, 1945
Number of children: 4


b: May 20, 1903
d: May 27, 1952Age at death: 49
Number of children: 2


b: March 28, 1901
d: March 15, 1974Age at death: 72
Number of children: 2


Number of children: 4


Number of children: 4


4 Bette (Betts) BRENNECKE
Number of children: 2


Number of children: 2


b: September 11, 1863 in Marshall County, Iowa
d: February 8, 1927 in Riverside Cemetery, Marshall County, Iowa
Age at death: 63
Special Comment: Bachelor


b: June 17, 1867 in Marshall County, Iowa
d: February 19, 1952 in Marshall County, IowaAge at death: 84



Copyright Cheryl Rutledge-Brennecke
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