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Delphinium grandiflorum 'Blue Butterfly' | Siberian larkspur, Chinese larkspur

Frist Bloom Dates:

2024 April 25

Delphinium grandiflorum 'Blue Butterfly' | Siberian larkspur, Chinese larkspur

Ranunculaceae (Buttercup Family) Pronounced Ruh-nunc-you-lace-ee-eye

Pronounced Del-fin-ee-um  Grand-eh-floor-um

The name Delphinium is from the Greek word "delphis" which means dolphin because of the shape of the flower bud resembling a dolphin.

The name grandiflorum means large flowered.

Flowers have 5 sepals, one of which is shaped like a prong,  which is why the common name of Larkspur came about. The color of the flower is called ultramarine blue.

The name Larkspur is due to the pronged fifth sepal that resembles a silver spur of a medieval knight and also resembles the claw of the Meadowlark bird. Shakespeare calls the Larkspur "Lark's Heel" and it has also been called "Lark's Claw" and "Knight's Spur."

Larkspur and Delphiniums are closely related and I am always confused when I am shopping. Larkspur are annuals that reseed. Delphiniums are perennials, but are often fussy and do not come back at all, but can also reseed. Easy peasy to remember, right? Also, Larkspur have a scientific name of Consolida, so it is confusing since the common name for both is Larkspur. Did you catch all that right?

This variety of Delphinium is a short-lived perennial that is often grown as a biennial or annual. It is easily grown by seed and, therefore, when it drops its seed, they begin to grow to bloom the next year. It says it makes a great cut flower, but if I do that it will not reseed. September to March is the best time to seed. Mulch in the Winter in zones 5 and below.

Deadheading does encourage a second bloom in the Autumn.

The foliage is fern-like and palmately.

The plant is only 12 to 18 inches high, which is perfect for my garden. It is so cute! This is a dwarf species.

This plant likes afternoon shade as it does not tolerate the heat as well, but it does tolerate it better than other varieties.

All parts of the plant are toxic.

Native Americans used the petals to create blue dyes.

Delphinium elatum is tall at 5 to 6 feet tall. These are not for the beginner gardener because they are high maintenance. I do not think this is for me.

Delphinium belladonna are 3 to 4 feet tall. These sound perfect for adding some color to my garden.

Pacific Giants are hybrids that are 4 to 6 feet tall

New Zealand hybrids are medium height.


I was looking for the "spur" in the video on the "petals" but totally missed it! Now that I see it, I see it! It is so obvious in the middle of the plant.

Now I know which seeds to buy! Seems here in 2024 I bought the wrong kind. The seed packet in the middle is the tall ones! Ack! And I need to research about Foxglove and Lupine because they all three look similar to me, although I can see the differences. I need to grow them all to know which I like best, or maybe I'll like all of them. I have had Floxglove before, but it does not tend to stick around.


Copyright Cheryl Rutledge-Brennecke
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