Lesson 6 - Underpainting Filter
This filter will help you learn a little bit about how painters paint with a brush. I think you may have some ah-ha moments!
Does this filter depend on the foreground/background colors: No.
Here is a layout I made utilizing the Underpainting Filter. I simply made a selection of the photo and hit Control J to put it on its own layer. I ran the filter on the copied selection and added a drop shadow.
It provided a perfect area to add a title and created a simple artisticness to the layout.
I hope to see your creativity with this filter! What will you come up with to do?
To understand how the Underpainting Filter works, one must first reflect on oil painting techniques with a brush on canvass.
When an artist paints on canvass, after making the general outlines, they create the underpainting, which in effect is simple large areas of general color. Thereafter they paint in the details.
Here are your digital scrapbooking layouts!