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Grandparents Scrapbooking Titles

109 Titles!

A boy needs a Grandpa for man-to-man talks

A grandchild is a gift from above... one to cherish and to love

A granddaughter/grandson is a gift from above ... one to cherish and to love

A grandmother is a babysitter who watches the kids instead of the television

A Grandpa is someone you never outgrow your need for!  

A mother loves and teaches, A grandmother teaches love

A proud grandma/grandpa lives here  

Accused of being in our second childhood

Age is a pretty high price to pay for maturity

Being a grandmother is our last chance to act like a kid without being

Blessed Be the Ties that Bind Generations  

But Grandma doesn't care

Come Grandpa, walk with me

Dearer than our children are the children of our children

Don't worry about wrinkles they're just antique smiles

Everyone needs a Grandpa like you!

For a good time and lots of treast call 1-800-grandma

For a good time call 1-800-grandma  

For the unlearned old age is winter: for the learned it is the season of harvest

Generation to Generation  


Giving hugs is what Grandmas do best

God gave us loving grandchildren as a reward for all our random acts of kindness

God gives us Grandkids to keep us young at heart  

God made some of us perfect - the rest of us He gave hair

Going to Grandma and Grandpa'a house  

Gramma's Little Heartthrob(s)

Grandchildren are a grandparent's link to the future, and grandparents are the child's link to the past

Grandchildren are loving reminders of what we're really here for

Grandchildren are the crown of the aged. Proverbs 17:16  

Grandchildren restore our zest for life, and our faith in humanity

Grandfathers are just antique boys.

Grandkids are Great!  

Grandkids keep hearts young  

Grandkids make life Grand!  

Grandma blesses those around her with her love and tender touch

Grandma!! What a babysitter

Grandma's are antique little girls

Grandma's are earth angels

Grandmas are just ancient little girls

Grandmas are just cute little girls

Grandmas are Mommies with Lots of Practice  

Grandmas are special  

Grandma's don't have to do anything except be there

Grandma'sflower garden

Grandma's my name, spoilin's my game

Grandma's sleepy boys/girls/kids

Grandmothers are angels in training 

Grandmothers are just antique little girls 

Grandparents are oldies but goodies  

Grandparents are the footsteps to the future  

Grandparents are them most precious kind of antiques  

Grandparents make the world...a little softer, a little kinder, a little warmer

Grandparents may be oldies, but they're goodies!

Grandpa's are antique little boys

Grandpas are great  

Grandpa's Delight

Grandpa's lap - the safest place to be

Grandpa's little man

Grandpa's/ma's got the touch

Great Fathers get promoted to Grandfathers  

Great joy comes in seeing our family enter another generation

Great Mothers get promoted to Grandmothers  

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional!

Hangin' Out at Grandma's  

Have children while you parents are still young enough to take care of them

I don't believe in aging; I believe in forever altering one's aspect to the sun

I hope you have a Grandpa like mine

I like to walk with Grandma

I thought I had my life organized - then I became a Grandma

If I had known grandchildren were this much fun I would have had them first  

I'm glad that God made Grandma

I'm not old; I'm chronologically gifted

It is easier to get older than it is to get wiser

It's not how old you are, but how you are old

Just Grandpa and Me  

Just Me & My Grandma  

Just when a woman thinks her work is done... 

Life begins at 80/70/60 

My Grandma's arms are filled with love!

My Grandpa's arms are filled with love!

Okay, that's it! I'm calling grandma!  

Retired but not tired!

Retirement: Twice as much husband, half as much money

Retirement: When you stop making a living and start making a life

Saw it, wanted it, told Grandma, got it!  

She becomes a grandmother  

Sitting on my grandpa's lap

TGIF - This Grandma is Fantastic  

The Golden Years

The handwriting on the wall means the grandchildren found the crayons

The joy of grandchildren is measured in the heart

The trick is growing up without growing old

The trick is to live a long time without growing old

There is a special woman whose love has meant so much

There's no place like home - except grandma's 

To Grandmother's house we go

True love never grows old

Two proud grandparents live here / A proud grandma ( grandpa ) lives here

Warning: Dates in Calendar are closer than they appear. 

What's so simple even a small child can manipulate it? Why, a grandmother, of course!

When a child is born, so is a Grandma!

When Mom says 'No', ask Grandma  

Who needs a pony when you've got Grandpa  

Who's spoilin' who???  

You are only young once, but you can stay immature indefinitely

You can't help growing older, but you don't have to get old

You know that grandmas are a wonderful thing!

You Put the Grand in Grandma/pa  



Copyright Cheryl Rutledge-Brennecke
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