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A day without scrapbooking is a day without sunshine
A walk down memory lane
As time goes by
Assembling, Scissor Cutting, Acid Free Testing, Supply
Been there, done that, have the Layout!
Born to scrap...forced to work
Cream of the Crop
Crop Soup
Don't just stand there. Scrap something
Food or scrapbooking supplies?
From one late night scrapper to another.
Good to the Last Crop
Gotta Scrap
I am a Page Planning, Sticker Art Making, Punch Art
I could have scrapped all night
I only scrap on days that end in Y
I punch therefore I am... broke.
I scrap. Therefore I am.
Ich bin ein Scrapper.
I'd rather be scrapping.
It’s a wonderful life
Just Scrap It
Layout on the Line.
Life is simple....Eat, Sleep and Scrap
My name is _____ and I'm a scrapaholic
My Scrap Lair
My scrap or yours?
No time to crop... too busy deciding where to shop!
Once Upon a Time…
Pictures are worth 1000 words - but only if you know the words.
Queen of Everything
Queen of the Crop
Remember when…
Same Old Scrap
Scrap Your Heart Out
Scrapbook Adventures
Scrapbooking is life… the rest is details
Scrapping is my life!
She who dies with the most pages completed wins!
She who dies with the most scrapbooks lives on!
Shopping Fool
Simple pleasures are life’s greatest treasures.
Stop 'n Crop
Stop, Crop, and Roll
The Crop Files
The memories we collect and give brighten our lives as long as we live
The most treasured heirlooms are the sweet memories of our family
These are a few of my favorite things
Those were the days
Visa. It's everywhere my scrapbook wants to be
We don't remember days - we remember moments
We live as long as we're remembered
We shape our lives not by what we carry with us – but by what we leave behind
When life hands you scraps, make scrapbooks
Whoever dies with the most scrapbook stuff wins!
Will scrap for punches
You never know when you might be making a memory