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"Mother" a special word for love
#1 Dad (Mom)
A Daddy is aman who has photos in his wallet where is money used to be
A family is a gift that lasts forever
A family is a little world created by love
A family is held together with the glue of love and the cement of mutual respect.
A Father is someone you look up too, no matter how tall you grow
A herd of cousins
A home is more than just a house
A house is built by human hands, but a home is built by human hearts
A house is built of walls and beams; a home is built of love and dreams
A house is made of walls and beams, but a home is built with hopes and dreams
A Mother holds her childrens hand for a while, their hearts forever
A Mother's love is the heart of the home
A Mother's love must always be strong, her work is hard, her day is long
A Sister is a special kind of friend
A 'sonny' day
A visit inside our home.
A Walk Down Memory Lane
All in the Family
All my children
All things grow with love
Am I my brother's keeper
Any man can be a father, it takes someone special to be a Daddy
Because I'm the mom, that's why
Being brothers is the best (sisters, ect.)
Being sisters is something special (brothers, ect.)
Big brother is watching you
Birds of a Feather
Bless our nest
Bless this house
Bless this Mess
Brother, brother
Brothers are a work of heart (use families, sisters, friends ect.)
Brothers are forever
Brothers from the start, friends from the heart (or sisters)
Brothers in arms
Brother's together
Building Memories
Caution, Mom is stressed
Dad always takes first place
Daddy's Girl
Daddy's Little Angel
Dad's (Mom's) #1 fan
Dad's (Mom's) little helper
Daughters are little girls that grow up to be your best friends
Denim Duo
Every mother is a working mother.
Families are forever.
Families are tied together with heart strings.
Families bloom with love.
Family faces are magic mirrors. Looking at people who belong to us, we see the past, present and future.
Family Matters
Family Ties
Family ties are precious threads, no matter where we roam,
Friends & Sisters (brothers)
Friends and family
From the heart
Full House
Gang's all here
Give your husband and inch and he thinks he is a ruler
God bless our home
God couldn't be every where so he made mothers
Growing our future
Happiness is Homemade
Home "Tweet" Home
Home Improvement
Home is the father's kingdom, the mother's world and child's paradise
Home is the heart's haven
Home is where a father's strength surrounds, protects his own.
Home is where a mother's love surrounds with tender care
Home is where the heart is
Home is where you hang your heart
Home sweet home
Homegrown (seed packets)
Hop pop, we lie to hop, we like to hop on pop
Housework makes you ugly
I did that
I love my Brother (sister, mom, dad, etc.)
I'm as lucky as can be, the worldest greatest dad/mom belongs to me
I'm not stubborn
It runs in the family
It runs in the family
Just like Dad
Just me and my dad (mom)
Kiss'n Cousins
Life at the ________Home
Life With Father/Mother
Lifestyles of the frantic and frazzled
Like father-like Son
Like Mother- Like Daughter
Linked ny loveĀ
Live well, laugh often, love much.
Love is a circle of family
Mama don't allow no pouting here
Man of the hour
Man, woman, and child
Married with children
Me and my shadow
Mom and daughter
Momma and me
Mommy's little Angel
Mothers are people who can get up in the morning before they smell the bacon frying
Mother's little helper
Mother's Love
Mother's make the world go round
My family, my life
My heart belongs to Mommy/Daddy
My heart will always be at home
My quiver is full
My teddy, my best friend
No "lion" we think our dad is the greatest
Oh Brother!
Only in a world of love can we unfold and bloom.
Our Dad's the Greatest
Our family is a circle of love
Our nest is blessed
Out on a limb with my Family tree
Parents can give children things or time; time is better!
Party of five
Prime time family
Raising our sweetest harvest
Sis and bro
Sister act
Sister by chance, friends by choice
Sisters & brothers together
Sisters are blossoms in the garden of life
Sisters are forever
Sisters Together
Super Dad (Mom)
The (surname) Clan
The (surname) family stays busy
The brothers
The cousin patch
The good life
The love in our family flows strong and deep, leaving us memories to treasure and keep
The love of a family makes life beautiful
The luckiest people in the world
The parent trap
There's no place like home.
This is my home, my castle fair
Two peas in a pod
We are family
We can give our children only two lasting bequests; one is roots, the other, wings
Welcome to our Funny Farm
We're a wacky bunch
What a Dad/ Mom!
When I count my blessings, I count you twice
You are cut from a pattern I love
You are the "sonshine" of my life
You're always in my heart
You're one in a million
Yours, mine and ours