My Corner Online


Tulipa gesneriana | Tulip

First bloom dates:

2017 March 19

2018 March 21

2019 April 2

2020 March 26

2022 April 10

2023 April 2

2024 March 10

Tulipa gesneriana | Tulip

Liliaceae (Lily Family) (Pronounced Lil-ee-a-see-eye)

Pronounced Too-lee-pa Ges-ner-eye-ana

There are about 75 to 100 species of Tulips. The majority of the Tulips are under the gesneriana species, also known as the Didier's tulip or garden tulip. It is fun to shop for unique Tulips instead of just buying the ones in big-named stores.

The name is believed to be from a Persian word for turban because the Tulips resemble the head covering of wound-up cloth.

Tulips are bulbs that are planted in the Autumn and bloom in the Spring. After they bloom, as in all bulbs, the foliage must be allowed to die back so that they will bloom again the next year. Because of the stiff leaves, Tulips are easier to allow to die back as they do not have leaves that fall and spread out taking up precious garden bed space.

After flowering, Tulips should be deadheaded to prevent them from creating seeds. I find Tulip care fairly nominal and easy.

There is one flower per stem. Each flower has three petals and underneath the petals are three sepals which together are called tepals. That is confusing! Petals are mostly solid color, but there are some striped varieties where originated from a virus spread by aphids.

Leaves are simple, lanceolate-shaped, and alternating on the stem. The leaf is also what is called elliptic which is where the middle is the widest and it tapers at both ends.

Tulips can be planted in pots. I did that once and loved it! Tulips can also be forced to bloom inside during the Winter by chilling it for 15 to 20 weeks first before planting it.

Tulip species vary by blooming time, whether early, mid, or late Spring, as well as size, double petal, fringed, and solid or striped.

Underground animals such as voles and moles like to eat Tulips and the Squirrels dig them up. I find that Tulips are the least reliable to come back year after year of all the bulbs I have planted for this reason. Tulips often need replacing and for this reason they are not as cost worthy as other bulbs.

Tulips make great cut flowers and you will find flower farmers growing large fields of them.

Holland (that being the Dutch) produces and sells large amounts of Tulips, but Tulips originated in central Asia, and are the national flower of Turkey and Iran.

Here are some varieties that I have owned and that are pictured below:

Sherbert – Violet and Salmon Pink, Late Spring, 20 to 24 inches

Backeri Lilac Wonder – Lilac Pink with Yellow, Mid-Spring, 8 to 10 inches

Pillow Talk – Soft Pink and Creamy Yellow, Mid to Late-Spring, 16 to 18 inches

Salmon Van Iejk – Late-Spring, 18 to 20 inches

Orange Emperor – Late-Spring, 16 to 18 inches

The above and below were planted in the Autumn of 2023 (and I did not remember doing it so it was a sweet surprise in 2024!)


This is the Salmon Van Iejk and Orange Emperor, a surprise to myself that I forgot I planted. The Salmon Van Iejk ones are not pretty on their own. They are almost like a faded red color as if the red has been in the sun too long. However, they are lovely with the Orange Emperor gracing them.

I love the green parts on the outside of the Orange Emperer Tulips.

This is the Salmon Van Iejk and Orange Emperor before the orange ones were budding out.

These are Backeri Lilac Wonder.




These are Emporer Page


These are Pillow Talk.

I believe these are Sherbert.

I believe these were Pillow Talk.


In the Autum of 2019 I started transforming the Tulips from and orange, red, and yellow schemed to purples and pinks and I am so glad I did! Below in earlier dates you will see more of the older colors.















Copyright Cheryl Rutledge-Brennecke
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