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Salvia horminum 'Blue Monday' Sage

Pronounced SAL-vee-uh (Latin name for sage)

Pronounced haar-MOW-nee-uhm (also the name for a keyboard instrument or reed organ)

The family is Lamiaceae, the mint family. (Prounounced lay-mee-AY-see-eye).

I was really excited about this Salvia horminum 'Blue Monday' Sage as I really love my perennial Salvia Nemorosa 'Balyriclu' and the package looked so beautiful. I also wanted to experience the plant as an annual grown from seed. I was a bit disappointed. It actually came up in several places in my garden, so one packet of seed had great success in germination. I do not know if it this weird weather here in 2023 where it has gone from excessive rain, to extreme heat and drought, back to torrential rain for weeks, and back to extreme heat that caused my plants to not perform. Only in this one place in the garden did they bloom. Everywhere else the plants stayed short and tiny. Maybe they will take off later in the season as I wait in the other locations. Sometimes I find the soil and sunlight or shade in various parts of the yard to produce different results in different plants, but not so much with this one.

The flowers were small, which is okay with me, but they only were at the top of each stalk, so most of the overall plant was not showy like my perennial Salvia Nemorosa 'Balyriclu'. Maybe it was just this seed packet and if I tried another it would be better.

I decided to make the most of my plant and I cut it off to enjoy creating some flatlays. It was a heat index well over 100 that evening and the sweat was dripping off my face even when just sitting or standing. I just love finding something happy and lovely about every little thing.

I am hoping that after I gave them a haircut, they will come back with even more and better blooms!

This photo shows how my plant's flower is the same color, but it really looks nothing like the photo on the package because mind only has one flower at the top and not a several in a line. Mine has always bloomed just one flower at the top and then it gets a little longer and blooms again.

The camera focused on the plants in the back so this is not a good photo, but from the above video and this you can get the idea of how they were not a very showy plant. I love that I can play and find the lovely in anything!

Copyright Cheryl Rutledge-Brennecke
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