While Jesus was at the Passover Feast, which lasted 7 or 8 days, many believed in Him after seeing signs. This scripture does not tell us what those signs were. Perhaps He did other miracles than those recorded in Scripture. Verse 24 includes the words "on His part," which indicates there are two parts to entrusting. There are two parts to a relationship. A believer's faith entrusts all to Jesus. I do not think these believer's had that kind of deep belief. The definition of "entrusting" is: to commit to another with confidence; assign the responsibility for doing something; put into someone's care or protection; or to confer a trust on. Verse 24 says "did not entrust Himself to them." On the opposite spectrum, Jesus entrusted Himself to His disciples as they walked with Him. The people's belief was weak in that Jesus could not commit Himself to that kind of faith. He was not confident in their faith. He could not assign to them the responsibility of spreading the Good News. These people would only bear witness to Him as a man, not as God. He could not put the Good News in their protection. Jesus knew all people. Jesus knows all people. Jesus knew what was in a man. What is in a man? He knew that all people were sinners and in need of a Savior. It is a good thing that I do not have to earn Jesus's trust because I would fail. He does it all. He did it on the cross. Jeremiah 17:9 says, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?" Jesus can understand it. Jesus knows the heart is not trustworthy. Jesus knew that some of these people who believed now would be the same ones to shout, "Crucify Him!" These people may have had a Judas heart. Jesus is omniscient (all knowing).