Challenge 2 - The Element: Frames
Here are a few thoughts from me:
Remember the design principles and utilize a dark frame for light photos and a light frame for dark photos. I see often where the frames grab the visual weight of the photo, so be careful to be creative, but do not overdue it. I often find thinner frames easier to work with for this very reason.
Remember that frames are not just for photos! Try hanging a frame with ribbon, giving it a mat, and putting your title in it. Try stacking the frames and resizing them to layer over each other. Try turning the frames and then linking them together by erasing parts of them. Think about matting within a frame; there is no reason the photo has to reach the inwards edges of the frame.
Think outside the box! Try framing your photos with other elements such as a ribbons. What about those eyelets from last week? Use them as frame corners.
Try leaving some of your photo extending beyond the frame. Everything doesn't always have to be so exact! Use the frame in order to highlight just part of your photo.
What can you hang from your frame to make it unique?
Here are your digital scrapbooking layouts!