I thought it would be healthy for me to consider my own reasons to exercise as self-motivation to get back on track.
1. Relieves stress.
2. Burns calories.
3. Makes me feel younger.
4. Strengthens muscles.
5. Makes me more agile.
6. Releases toxins and cleans pores
7. Free activity.
8. Allows me to eat more.
9. Lowers resting heart rate.
10. Makes clothes fit.
11. Balances hormones.
12. Regular pooping just feels good.
13. Sets a good example for children.
14. Lungs improve.
15. Decreases risk of falling/improves balance.
16. Sleep better.
17. Sometimes inspires others.
18. Self-esteem builder.
19. Never regret a workout.
20. I'm worth it.