This lady makes me so happy every time I run into her and I just have to spread that joy! Scroll below to see the videos and get a good laugh.
Yesterday I spent the day at a Women's Retreat at my church. Today I'm spending the day processing videos and photos for my church website. I'm a little distraught that all my other to-do's are not getting done and are getting delayed even further, including my taxes and figuring out how to set things up now that my desktop has died, including the wireless printing.
However, this is what God wants me to be doing today, I am sure. He will provide me with time to do what all else I need to do.
I am going to be sharing here on this personal blog a few things from the other website as I truly feel that someone will come along and be changed by these posts. This blog has a much higher page rank and larger readership and, therefore, is more likely to reach just the person who needs to hear/read/listen to these things.
I have loved this lady for a long time and am so happy to be able to share her and her love for God with you in this post. I introduce to you The Hat Lady.
Jean Seres is The Hat Lady.
In her performance at the Hanover Woman's Retreat, she shares the secret of The Hat Show. In 1987, the Lord "forced" her to do the first show. She commemorates the life of her sister who committed suicide through the show as a living memorial. Her sister was severely depressed for 13 years. She was loved, smart, beautiful, but she believed the lie of the enemy that she was dumb, ugly, and nobody loved her. Jean's grandmother also committed suicide in the same garage.
Through prayers, Jean and her living sister have no other option but to be 'up.' Jean says,"you can be down for three days, but that's the limit and then you need to get up." Jean continues, "up, down, up, down, and what's after down? - - up!....All women are emotional and we all have days that are down....You can't stay up all the time..."
In Norman Vincent Peele's book The Power of Positive Thinking in Chapter 5 "Who decides whether you shall be happy or unhappy? The answer. You do." For over 20 years Jean has believed that laughter and life and living, no matter what is going on in your life, you can "choose life" as in the Bible.
Deuteronomy 30:19 This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life,so that you and your children may live 20 and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him.
Jean says, "I am not going to think on the junk and I'm not going to dwell on the junk, but......I am going to remember the good stuff."
Jean says "It is true that laughter is good medicine.....Three things to do: 1. Look for things to laugh at; 2. Learn to laugh at yourself; and 3. Laugh out loud."
Jean shares a few sayings about being happy:
....No one can make me feel inferior without my permission.
....I've made my choice to rejoice.
....No matter what comes my way today, I've decided to be happy today.
....You cannot run away from yourself; wherever you go, there you are!
....Unhappy by choice, not circumstance.
Get ready to laugh!