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Weight Loss Thoughts I can Tell Myself


I started a 24 hour food journal. For each meal I write what I will eat for that day. The next line I write “I did:” I have found when filling out the second line that I am praising myself! It came to mind that I might get bored with the same praises and need to brainstorm a collection of phrases to use on myself.  

A truimph of my mind over food!
Bam! I pumped them exercises out!
Best choices this round!
Celebrating small victories today!
Crushed that one!
Dear stomach, just satisfied, not stuffed.
Didn't know I could do that so well!
Done good girl!
Done joyfully!
Done with passion!
Done with purpose!
Failing forward ho!
Feeling excited that I did well!
Good for me!
Good job!
Grateful for that avoidance!
Happy I completed that!
I accomplished what God placed on my heart to do.
I am creating a new me!
I am doing it healthy today!
I am enriched in what I did!
I am figuring out my body.
I am finding peace on the way down.
I am going to find the finish line.
I am gorgeous today!
I am happy with my eating today.
I am in control of myself today!
I am in the driver's seat!
I am loved.
I am rising above every obstacle!
I am so capable of doing this!
I am strong today.
I am thriving in life!
I am working on my best self!
I am worth the effort!
I can be pretty amazing like that.
I can do this!
I conquered that weakness!
I conquered!
I did amazing!
I did good!
I did it my way!
I did it!
I did not quit on myself!
I did this well!
I finished!
I found my comfort elsewhere!
I got the no sweets swagger today!
I handled those emotions today!
I healed.
I just made a difference in my accomplishment.
I know I can do this!
I listened to my body!
I looked at myself in the mirror and I liked it!
I love it when I do this right!
I mastered that plan!
I overcame temptation!
I put action behind my faith!
I resisted!
I rose to the challenge!
I sat here and did not overeat!
I showed up!
I was prepared for that challenge!
I will learn to get up and get better.
I'm in the zone today!
I'm loyal to my plan!
I'm not busy, I'm well planned!
Intentionally done!
I've got a grip on this and am not letting go!
I've got my own back today!
Keep trying!
Making it happen!
Marvelous done!
My bad today will not change my plan tomorrow.
My commitment to myself is real.
My confidence has no limits!
My efforts will lead to success!
My hard work will pay off!
No breaking promises to myself today!
No failure here, just off plan; get back on!
No little quits today!
Not defeated today!
One small victory at a time!
Patting myself on the back!
Praise God for His strength!
Progress over perfection today.
Self, look how good you did!
Self, you did it!
Selfie high-five!
Slow and steady wins that race!
Spot on girl!
Staying committed to myself!
Sticking on that path today!
That felt good!
That food had no power over me!
That food looked great in the trash rather than my ass.
That sure felt good!
That sure tasted good!
That was a good meal!
There's nothing stopping me now!
This is where I will get better.
Today I forgive myself.
Today I was unstoppable!
Today was a bad day, not a bad week.
Trusting myself today!
Victory is sweet!
What a consistent day!
Whoo hooo!
Yes! You did it and no one else can do it for you!
You can't go wrong eating veggies!
You chose to make today amazing!
You go girl!
You got it going on!


List created June 1, 2019.

Copyright Cheryl Rutledge-Brennecke
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