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Look up (an arrow prayer)

4.27.13 Arrow Prayer -- Father, as I await so anxiously to enjoy these beautiful Spring days, and sometimes they get messed up with a little rain, I am reminded how much I enjoy just laying down on the ground, no matter where I'm at, and looking up and enjoying Your creation.  Whether it be under trees at the park, vines at the vineyard, buildings in the city, bushes in my yard, rain from under my canopy, flowering trees at a museum, or clouds over the grocery store, there is Your glory everywhere.  Everything always seems to look better when looking up.   Thanks for reminding me to stop looking at my feet and where I'm going from time to time and to look up at You, and breathe it in for a moment. 

Luke 21:28  When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near."

Copyright Cheryl Rutledge-Brennecke
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