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Isaac Rutledge and ? | William Rutledge and Chloe Johnson | James Rutledge Sr. & Frances Skaggs | George Rutledge and Rose Boyer | James Bernard Rutledge and Nancy Estes | James William Rutledge and Rubina Wright | Wilson Alvin, Sr. and Jessie Mae Wright (Wilson's WWII page)

Rutledge Genealogy Home Page

Daughters of the Revolutionary War lineage:
Nancy Estes's parents (John D. Estes and Catherine Jane Kirkpatrick) (John's parents unknown)

Catherine Kirkpatrick's parents (Joseph Marion Kirkpatrick and Martha Patsy Ross)

Martha Patsy Ross's parents William Ross and Eliza Jane Allen | William Hugh Ross, Jr. and Mary Griffin

Other Ancestors:

Frances Skaggs parents: James Skaggs and Frances Beeler |

Joseph Kirkpatrick's parents ( David Sevier Kirkpatrick and Catherine White) | John Hugh Kirkpatrick and Margaret "Jane" Wilkins (possible Revoluntary War; there are 2 John Hugh Kirkpatricks)

Catherine White's parents (Joseph White and Janet Mebane)

Rutledge DNA Connection: Edward Gent Rutledge | James Enos Rutledge | William Richard Rutledge | Richard William Rutledge | Harry Milton Rutledge | Edgar Rutledge Taylor | (This line is connected by DNA, but we have not yet put together the puzzle pieces)

THIS IS MY WORKING GENEALOGY BIOGRAPHIES, PLEASE DO NOT COPY AS FACT. Some photos are personal and are not to be copied and republished; other images are okay. Documentation I collected as proof to support facts (i.e. dates, relationships, etc.) are available for your use. I share freely, but please do not abuse copyright or perpetuate any information without supporting facts that may or may not be in error. I try to mark in red my questions or documents I need to look for, so your assistance in making this a complete collection is always appreciated.


Wilson Alvin Rutledge, Sr.

World War II

Grandpa was in the
3rd Army
26th Infantry Division
328 Infantry Regiment
2nd Battalion (2 ED (White) Battalion)
Company E/Headquarters Company
Commanded by Col. David O. Byars

**This website page is under edit as I gradually add more information as I piece it together.

***I have discovered that Grandpa has a lot of French ancestry (see Boyer pages), so he had returned to fight in the country of his heritage.

****I am including some (but not all yet) of a conversation I had with Grandpa. You will find them scattered on this page where they apply. On June 23, 2002, I had a private conversation with Grandpa sitting in his living room. It was the only time he personally talked to me about the war. The stories I had always heard were told to me by my Dad. Grandpa never would talk about the war. I drove all the way home, crying as I repeated in my head what he had said so as not to forget, and sat in my living room at 1 a.m. typing up every word he told me.

Click to see all the Morning Reports.

This photo of Wilson always hung in their living room on Nottingham in Shrewsbury, Missouri.

This photo seems to be taken at the same photo shoot as the above photo.

APRIL 19 1944

Wilson was inducted into the Army on April 19, 1944 at Jefferson Barracks. The family was living at 1010 Frances Place, St. Louis, Missouri. On today's map this street is in Richmond Heights near I-70 (St. Louis). It appears this portion of the street has been converted to a parking lot for business buildings. I understand that Wilson went to training camp in Texas, possibly Fort Hood or Fort Bliss (my memory is not recalling, but I do know his brother Charles went to Fort Hood).

           Grandpa said that before the war he worked making ammunition.  His draft papers came in the mail saying he was to report at a certain place at a certain time.  Grandma was very upset.  Grandma and Grandpa had bought a home before he went off to war.  When he left, Grandma went to work, but they lost the home anyway.  Grandma and the two boys (my Dad and Uncle Bill) had to live with Granny Lucille while Grandpa was away at war.  Grandpa had not graduated from school yet when he was drafted.  He was first sent to Texas for his training.

September 1944

This family photo was taken September 24, 1944, one month before Wilson would leave on October 22 for Europe. (I do not know where this house was located.) He must have been allowed to come home after training to visit before he left for Europe. I imagine how difficult it would have been to say good-byes, not knowing if you would see each other again.

Wilson was 24 years old. She was 23 years old. Their sons were 5 years old and 2 years old.

This photo was taken at the same time, but with a different hat, standing with his father, James Rutledge.

This photo was taken at the same time, standing with his mother, Rubina Rutledge.

This photo was taken at the same time with both of his parents.

They took many photos, as many families would have, as their beloved prepare to leave for war.

A photo with the dog. I love that we can see more of the background.

His wife, Jessie Mae, in his uniform.

This is a photo of Jessie Mae on October 2, 1944, shortly before his departure. Was this taken as a wallet photo? She was 23 years old.

October 22, 1944, November 2, 1944,

We read in the Morning Report below that Wilson was in the 81st Replacement Battalion, located at the 17th Replacement Depot. A replacement depot is a unit containing reserves or replacements for large front-line formations, larger than battalions. The slang term "repple depple" came into common use during World War II. In the book Historical Study, the Personnel Replacement System in the United States Army, page 453 (shown above) we read that Wilson would have first arrived in England, boarded a train to the stockage depot, and traveled in a transport across the English Channel to Omaha Beach.

Grandpa always said he was in the second wave of Omaha Beach. It was said often while I was growing up. So far I cannot find any evidence that he was there on D-Day. He personally told me in detail and that he was one of 16 men out of 240 that made it across the beach that day. I have never known in my lifetime Grandpa to lie. Confirming his story and/or lie has troubled my thoughts ever military U.S. holiday. The records indicate he was enlisted prior to D-Day, but that he did not arrive until November. There is a photo of him home in September. Sometimes I wonder if by "second wave" he meant everyone who came in on Omaha Beach after D-Day (June 6, 1944). Grandpa also personally told me the following: After Omaha Beach he fought his way to Saint-Lo.  After taking Saint-Lo, a detachment was sent to Brest, France, seaport to take the sub pins from the Germans.  “Sub pins” are submarine ship yards which were in the base of cliffs.  The enemy infantry was taken with the sub pins. Grandpa remained at Breast for quite some time, from June through September (approximately four months) while the rest of Patton’s Army headed diagonally through Paris, France.

There is also a tidbit I remember that Grandpa was allowed to travel home for someone's funeral. I have tried to figure out what relative that would be and the only one I can find is his father-in-law James Wright, who died May 11, 1944. So far there is no documentation of this travel.

Wilson departed for Europe on October 22, 1944, and arrived on November 2, 1944, days before the November 10 switch from arriving on Omaha Beach to arriving in Le Havre. After his hospital stay in London, he would have returned entering at Le Havre.


On Page 457 of the same book, we read the excerpt above which brings to life a part of his journey. Socks were priority over ammunition and food.

The 17th Replacement depot was located in Angervilliers, France, just south of Paris. This map is a generalized route merely to show locations of his travels, not meant to be specific routes. Chateau-Salins and Wuisse from the first Morning Report below are 12 miles apart, so it is unclear when the group traveled from one city to the next. However, it would seem he was at Wuisse on November 19, 1944.

November 17, 1944, November 19, 1944

The first Morning Report is dated November 19, 1944, Company E, 238th Infantry, stationed in Wuisce Chateau Salins. He was assigned affective November 17, 1944, so it would seem there was a few days of travel from Angervilliers to Wuisse and Chateau Salins area.

1/50000 is the map and Sheet 35-144804265 (I believe) is the supporting map.

110 EM asgd and jd fr Hq 81st Repl Bn APO 873 U.S. Army per Par 1 SO 4290 Hq 17th Repl Depot aff 17 Nov 44 Race W (copy attached)

Decoded: 110 enlisted men assigned and joined from Headquarters 81st Replacement Battalion Army Post Office 873 per paragraph 1 special orders 4290 Headquarters 17th Replacement Depot affective November 17, 1944, race white (copy attached)

Attached on several sheets are a list of 110 men joining Company E, 328th Infantry.

Decoded: Rutledge, Wilson A., Rank: Pvt (private); ASN (Army Service Number): 57638312; MOS (Military Occupational Specialty): 745 (rifleman); Skill: S SK (semi-skilled); MCO (Main Civilian Occupation): 010 (Mining and Petroleum Engineering Occupations)

In the book G Company's War, Two Personal Accounts of the Campaigns in Europe, 1944-1945, by Bruce E. Egger and Lee MacMillan Otts, on Page 45, we read a summary of what happened just prior to Wilson arriving on the line. One of the writers of the book, Lt. Lee M. Otts, is transferred to E Company. Grandpa would join Easy Company the same time that Otts transferred companies. Wilson was fortunate to have missed the previous week.

The map on Page 45 of the same book shows the dotted line as the front line on December 19, 1944, the day Wilson arrived on the front line.

Egger, in G Company of the 328th, describes the frostbite and trenchfoot that Wilson would suffer from in the coming days. (The blue highlights I made years ago as I was highlighting any reference in this "G Company's War" to E Company, searching for instances that would relate to Grandpa).

On Page 47 of "G Company's War" we begin to read the writing of 2nd Lt. Lee Otts first hand account as he arrived to E Company at the same time as Wilson was arriving as replacement troops. We read that 782 enlisted men joined the 328th, but we know from the above Morning Report that 110 of the enlisted men went to Easy Company. On Page 39 of the book, Egger indicates on November 14 that 150 men were left in E, F, and G Companies out of the normal complement of 525 men.

Continuing 2nd Lt. Lee Otts account of December 18, 1944, we read of Wilson's placement with Easy Company on December 18, 1944, which is reflected in the Morning Report of December 19th.

On Page 49 we finish 2nd Lt. Lee Otts account of November 18, 1944.

From the book Handcar White, a History of the Second Battalion, 328th Infantry European Theatre of Operations by Sergeant Ralph A. Anderson Jr., 1945, Page 27.

In the book "G Company's War" on Page 49 we read Egger's account of G Company for December 19, 1944.

On Page 50 of "G Company's War" we read 2nd Lt. Lee Otts account of November 19, 1944, and the morning of the 20th. We read of the men who were killed the same day that Wilson arrived. I wish I knew what platoon Wilson was assigned.

On Page 51 we finish reading 2nd Lt. Lee Otts account for November 19, 1944.

November 20, 1944

The Morning Report for November 20, 1944, is from the location of Wuise Chateau Salins. There was no change in location.

This image of from Chateau Salins on November 17, 1944 (source; see other photos of the area on this page.

This is Egger's writing in "G Company's War," regarding G Company, for November 20, 1944.

This is Otts entry in "G Company's War," (page 52) for E Company, for November 20 1944.

This operational background follows Otts' entry on page 52 of "G Company's War." Wilson was in the 2nd Battalion. Companies A, B, C, and D became the 1st Battalion; Companies E, F, G, and H became the 2nd Battalion, and Companies I, J, K, L, and M became the 3rd Battalion.  

November 21, 1944

The November 21, 1944 Morning Report from Torcheville Sarre-union gives a record of events. Company E left Wuisse For Dieuze, traveled by motor, distance traveled approximately 4 miles. Left Dieuze 0930 (9:30 a.m.), traveled by motor 7 miles and by foot 3 miles, arrived at town of Torcheville, 1630 distance traveled approximately 10 miles. Holding positions on the line.

The numbers in parantheses on the map I believe to be longitude and latitude coordinates (some day I hope to figure those out).

This map marks the route by car today from the Chateau-Salins/Wuisse area to Dieuze and then Torcheville. The group traveled from Wuisse to Dieuze by motor which is 4 miles and then another 10 miles to Torcheville.

This map estimates the 7 miles by motor from Dieuze to Torcheville where they began to walk.

This map estimates the 3 miles walking distance, which puts the group in the fields near a lake south of Tourcheville.

This is a photo of Dieuze at this time (source

Eggers writing for November 21, 1944, "G Company's War," Page 53.

Otts' writing for November 21, 1944, "G Company's War," Page 53 and 54.

The above talks about the mines which reminds me of a story Grandpa told me.

Grandpa showed me his leg.  He explained that there were mines everywhere and he had to run through them.  He said several times the men who were running next to him stepped on the mines and that those men either lost a leg or were dead.  The shrapnel from the exploding mine shot out everywhere, hitting Grandpa in the leg.  That shrapnel is still in his legs today.  He said that happened to him several times.

Grandpa tells of walking beside the big trucks while their captives road in the trucks.  Seems unfair, but it was strategy.  A truck full of American soldiers was an easy target for the enemy, but the enemy would not destroy their trucks if they would kill their own men riding in them.

November 22, 1944

November 22, 1944 Morning Report is also from Torcheville Sarre-union, indicating no travel since the day before; however, there would be movement directly after this Morning Report.

From the writings below, we read that Easy Company traveled from Torcheville to Munster, which is almost 3 miles, where Wilson would be on the front line. From the below writing, we read that Easy Company traveled on the right of the road.

From the book Handcar White, a History of the Second Battalion, 328th Infantry European Theatre of Operations by Sergeant Ralph A. Anderson Jr., 1945, Page 27. We read that Easy Company infiltrated the town of Munster. From the Morning Report below on the 23rd of November, we know that Wilson was already suffering from trench foot, but that he pushed through the day. It is common knowledge that us Rutledges take pain well and that we stay steadfast during difficulties, with great will-power of perseverance. His pushing through the day ignoring the pain of his feet most likely lead to the severity of his trench foot. The story repeated throughout my lifetime was that his "feet froze, and that is how he got out of the war, and that he remembers doctors standing over him talking about cutting off his feet."

Grandpa told of a story in which we can thank God that he is still with us today.  He said he was standing face-to-face with his commander getting orders.  A bullet came from behind him, whizzed by his ear, and hit the commander in the eye.  The man fell onto Grandpa, dead.  I asked Grandpa what he did next, which I found out was a stupid question after he answered it.  He said he dropped to the ground in a hurry because he knew the next bullet wouldn’t miss him.  He then scrambled on the ground looking for cover.

It would seem likely that Lt. Col Byars, the Battalion C.O., written about above, would be the commander Grandpa spoke about.

Egger's entry for November 22, 1944 in "G Company's War," Pages 54 and 55.

This is the first part of Otts' entry for November 22, 1944 in "G Company's War," Pages 55.

Otts' entry for November 22, 1944 in "G Company's War," Pages 56.

I have always heard the story that Wilson went house-to-house and this correlates with that story. This would also correspond to the above story of Lt. Col Byars, the Battalion C.O., being killed dashing through the street door to door.

Otts' entry for November 22, 1944 in "G Company's War," Pages 57.

Food in the history of WWII always mentions K rations. I sometimes wonder if history reflects K rations so that family at home would not worry about their loved one. Grandpa told me a different story. There was also no mess kits.  Again, too much weight.  He said that when he was fighting they would cook food in a big barrel somewhere behind the lines and then bring it into the fighting area and leave it.  If you wanted to eat, you had to run up to the barrel, dip your hand in, and eat from your hand.  You couldn’t stay very long at the barrel or you might get shot.  That is how he ate, out of his hand, on the run.

The above mentions a front 200 yards in a semi-circle around one edge of the town bordering on the flooded rivers. There seems to be a river on both the north and south sides of Munster, but we also know he was on the right side, so I would guess he is referring to the LaRode River as it is a semi-circle headed out of the town.

Otts' entry for November 22, 1944 in "G Company's War," Pages 58.

November 23, 1944 (Thanksgiving Day)


The November 23, 1944, Morning Report location is Munster Sarre-union. There is a "T" on the line of Wilson's name which according to the code listings mostly likely is for "trenchfoot," or it could be for "transfer." I was not able to find the code 2411. Since this is the "morning report" it would seem that he left sometime in the morning of the 23rd before the report was filled out. The troops moved to Munster, which is 3 miles from from Torcheville. Page 3 of the report below indicates they traveled 5 miles, which would be on the other side of Munster.

It reads, " Above 2 EM dy to (lost to Hosp) designation and location unknown Sk (LD) (non-battle) as of 22 Nov 44.

Decoded: Above 2 enlisted men duty to (lost to hospital) designation and location unknown, sick (line of duty) (non-battle) as of 22 Nov 1944.

Page 2 of the November 23rd report lists the wounded in action the day Wilson was transferred. It is most likely that Wilson was transferred with these individuals after the fighting was done. I note that one individual was seriously wounded in Munster on the 23rd, so it is likely that Wilson made it to Munster before he was transferred.

This map shows the distance between Torcheville and Munster. Sarre-Union as mentioned on the Morning Reports is also seen on this map.

Page 3 of the November 23, 1944, Morning Report lists the record of events: Left Torcheville and moved to an area in Vicinity of Munster Sarre-union 1/50000; Traveled by motor and foot; distance traveled approximately 5 miles.

From this report it would seem that the troops were located about 2 miles past Munster. Since Wilson suffered from trenchfoot since the day before, we can imagine that he walked the 5 miles with the disease.

From the book Handcar White, a History of the Second Battalion, 328th Infantry European Theatre of Operations by Sergeant Ralph A. Anderson Jr., 1945, Page 27.

This map from a book "U.S. Army Atlas of the European Theater in World War II, Pages 104 and 105 (click to enlarge), is highlighted above as to references to the 328th on November 23, 1944. This map includes where the troops were position in Dieuze and then Torcheville, and the route taken. Note that one group is much further up closer to the front.

Egger's writing on G Company from November 23, 1944 in "G Company's War," pages 58 and 59.

Otts' writing on G Company from November 23, 1944 in "G Company's War," page 59.

November 24, 1944

The Morning Report for November 24th, the day after Wilson was transferred to the hospital, also lists enlisted men who were injured on the 23rd of November.

This book was sent to Wilson at 2208 ASO 11th St, St. Louis, MO on December 27, 1949. I found a photo of Grandpa from April 1945 in the envelope.

This is the only page of the book that references November 19-23, 1944.


November 25, 1944 to April 20, 1945

The researcher who found the Morning Reports on this page was unable to find any more reports un April 1945. I hope to be successful in obtaining his medial reports and add them to this page.

Here is a photo of Wilson from March 26, 1945, in London England.

I had always heard that Grandpa got out of the war because his legs froze.  I always had a picture in my head that he was sleeping somewhere on the ground when his legs froze, because surely they wouldn’t freeze when you are running around circulating the blood in them.  This turned out to be a false picture.  Grandpa said his feet froze, on up his legs to his mid-calves.  (I always thought it was his entire legs.)  I asked him how much it hurt, explaining that when I camp with the boy scouts in below 30 degree weather and my feet starting hurting, I always think about what he must have gone through.  Grandpa explained that he didn’t know that his feet were frozen.  He said that if you have a choice about thinking about keeping your life or thinking about hurting feet, you think about staying alive.  You don’t even realize any pain.  He explained that it was not until his break when the medic was checking him that he found out his feet were frozen.  If the medic thought you were bad enough, you were sent to the medical tent which was a distance away behind the lines.  If they could not treat you there, they sent you to a hospital.  He said they loaded you onto trucks with shelves stacked up on both sides of the truck bed.  He said he climbed onto a shelf with barely enough room to lay, and men laying above and below him.  The truck took him to where he was loaded onto a plane and he was flown to a hospital in London, England.  At the hospital, Grandpa remembers the doctors discussing whether or not they should cut off his legs.  Thank God, he still walks on his legs today.  He says they are numb to the touch most of the time though, and most of his toes remain black in color.  While Grandpa was recovering in the hospital, he worked scrubbing floors. 

While on leave after he left the hospital, he worked helping to clean up the cities and towns that America had won, with hundreds of other soldiers looking for bodies, mostly using a plastic bag to pick up body parts.  He worked to rebuild the cemeteries in Paris.  Grandpa explained that the soldiers were taught to never go anywhere without at least three soldiers.  Two soldiers would walk forward and one would walk backwards, all with their guns ready, for many civilians were ready to kill you for making their city into havoc.

January 1945

St. Clair Chronicle, 18 Jan 1945, Thu Page 2. Wilson's parents lived in St. Clair, Missouri.

April 3, 1945

Hitler suicide.

April 21, 1945

On April 21, 1945, Wilson was assigned to the 375th Ordnance HAM Co battalion from the Headquarters 156th Ordinance Battalion.

By special orders his assignment was limited, most likely due to his frozen feet during the war. HAM stands for "Heavy Automotive Maintenance." An Ordnance is a sustainment branch to supply weapons, artillery, ammunition, and supplies, to procure and maintain equipment.

The location is Quai Voltaire Bezons France, VR 9650.

Above 3 men asgd & jd from Hq 156th Ord Bn Race W Limited Assgt - per par 1 SO 59 Hq 156th Ord en APO 887 US Army.

Decoded: Above 3 men assigned and joined from Headquarters 156th Ordinance Battalion with limited assigment - per paragraph 1 special orders 59 Headquarters 156th Ordinance enlisted Army Post Office 887 US Army.

The location of Quai Voltaire Bezons France is near Paris.

This photo is most likely taken during this time period.

Another story Grandpa tells involved a motorcycle.  His company had several motorcycles.  A man came and asked the group of soldiers he was with if they had a motorcycle.  They directed him to the motorcycle area where he could check one out.  Thereafter, the soldier came riding past Grandpa’s group at a high speed and ran into a concrete bridge, killing himself.  Afterwards it was learned that the soldier had received a letter from his wife saying that she was leaving him and going to marry someone else.  The group of men regretted that they had ever directed the man to the motorcycle area.  Grandpa said suicide was very common.

April 22, 1945 - May 22, 1945

There are Morning Reports from April 22 to May 22 showing no change from the location of Quai Voltair Bezons with regular organizational duties.

This is a photo he sent home taken in Paris on April 1945. I cannot read what he writes. It looks like Rambas or Rainbow and comn..

May 8, 1945

German unconditional surrender

May 23, 1945

Above 7 men promoted to Pfc per par 1 Orders No 6 375th Ord HAM Co eff 23 May 45.

Decoded: Above 7 men promoted to Private First Class per paragraph 1 Orders No 6, 375th Ordinance, Heavy Automotive Maintenance Company, effective May 23, 1945.

May 24, 1945 - June 21, 1945

There are Morning Reports from May 24 to June 21 showing no change from the location of Quai Voltair Bezons with regular organizational duties.

This is a photo of Jessie Mae, his wife, that she would have had taken to send to him for his wallet.

June 20 - 22, 1945

77 EM reld from asgmt and trfd to 862 Ord HAM Co per par 2 SO Hq 72d Ord Bn eff 20 June 45, Left Co 0930 (Atchd enclosure No 1)

Decoded: 77 enlisted men released from assignment and transfered to 862 Ordnance Heavy Automotive Maintenance Company per paragraph 2 special order Headquarters 72nd Ordnance Battalion effective June 20, 1945, Left company 9:30 a.m. (attached enclosure 1)

This is part of the attached page listing the 77 men who were transferred.

This is the recorded of the 862nd Ordnance Heavy Automotive Maintenance Company receiving the 77 men. The location is at 80 Rue de Fromont Ris Orangis.

77 EM asgd and jd fr 375th Ord HAM Co APO 887 US Army per par 2 SO 20 Hq 72nd Ord Bn APO 887 US Army eff 20 June 1945 Roster attached as incl 2

Decoded: 77 enlisted men assigned and joined from 37th Ordnance Heavy Automotive Company, Army Post Office 887, US Army, per paragraph 2 special orders 10 Headquarters 72nd Ordnance Battalion, Army Post Office 887, US Army, effective June 20, 1945, Roster attached as includes 2

This is the entry on the attached page. It lists his ASN (Army Serial Number), his rank of private first class, his MOS (Military Operational Specialty) of 965, which is "mechanic automotive wheel vehicle (third echelon)" [there were 5 echelons or levels of mechanics], MCO (Main Civilian Occupation) of 341, which is "attendands, golf course, tennis court, skating rink, and related facilities," ASR (Advanced Service Rating) of 54, and PHY (physical) of C.

I wonder if is MCO changing from mining and petroleum to an attendant indicated another job before enlistment or a side job after hours near Paris. The use of the ASR indicates that America is preparing for the war to end. This number determined who would be discharged during demobilization first based on the length of service, awards and honors, and family status/dependent children.

The transfer of companies is another indication that units were being consolidated in preparation for demobilization.

Fromont is just south of Paris. This map included Quai Voltaire where he was previously stationed.

In this picture Wilson stands in front of the 862 Ordnance Company sign.

July 18, 1945

This is the front and back of a photo dated July 28, 1945, taken in Versailles, France. Wilson writes home, "this is the King Louis the 14th Castle at Versailles or at least what's left that is him and the horse and the boys that went with me. Love Wilson" Wilson is standing in the back row, second from the left.

August 7, 1945

This report is from Avenue de Fontainbleau, France. It mentions a record of events departing from Ris Orangis and arriving in Hericy, France. The Morning Report for the 8th of August gives a location of Avenue de Fontainebleau, Hericy, VX 3395.

Above 11 EM promoted to Tec 5 par 5 SO 56 Hq 72nd Ord Bn dtd 6 Aug 45 eff 6 Aug 45.

Decoded: 11 enlisted men promoted to Tec 5 paragraph 5 special orders 56 Headquarters 72nd Ordnance Battalion dated August 6 1945, effective August 6, 1945.

This map shows the Ris-Orangis near the Fromont in the previous report, as well as the new location of Avenue de Fontainebleau.

August 18, 1945

This photo was sent to Granny (Lucille, his mother-in-law) taken on August 18, 1945, in Paris, France.

I would like to figure out what the pins on his uniform mean.

I do not have a date or location for this photo, but his uniform and his weight seem similar to the above photo.

September 2, 1945

VE Day, war ended, Victory in Europe

September 20, 1945

St. Clair Chronicle, 20 Sep 1945, Thu, Page 1

Wilson's parents lived in St. Clair.

THIS indicates he was on the front lines for 31 days at the Battle of Metz, which was before the battle of these morning reports. This article does indicate he was in the hospital for four months, which accounts for the missing period from Thanksgiving Day until April (5 months).

October 5-11, 1945

On October 11, 1945, there is a note for October 5, that the company departed by motor convoy from Hericy, France at 1300 (1 p.m.) and arrived at Camp de Satory FR 9030 1530. The entire 862nd Ordnance Ham Company was attached to the 613 Ordnance CBAM Battalion.

Org reld fr atched to 613 Ord CBAM Bn APO 887 and atchd to 72nd Ord Bn APO 887 per Movement Order No. 373, Hq Seine Section TSFET.

Camp De Satory was south of Versailles.

October 23, 1945

On October 23, 1945, Wilson is left duty to sick in hospital, 241st General, APO 887, Line of Duty. The 241st General Hospital was a unit of men.

October 26, 1945

On October 26, 1945, Wilson is either transferred again or still sick in the hospital.

November 1945

I have always loved this photo of my Dad because I can tell how much he loved his dog Queenie. We see above Wilson Sr., also loves dogs. I have a love for dogs. I love when I see photos with writing on them that were sent to Wilson in France to show the life back home.

December 16, 1945

The location of the Morning Report is Ris Orangis, France.

30 EM (Roster atchd) asgd and Jd from 862nd Ord HAM Company APO 887 per Par 53 SO 344 Hq Seine Section T SV Force European T APO 887 dated 10 Dec 45 EDCMR: 11 Dec 45

This is a portion of the attached list of 30 enlisted men that were transferred. It includes his grade of Tech 5, ASN (Assigned Serial Number), MOS(military occupational specialty) of 965, which is "mechanic automotive wheel vehicle (third echelon)" [there were 5 echelons or levels of mechanics], ASR Advanced Service Rating) of 57, Months of Active SV (service) of 17, date of birth, and physical pro of "Q".

December 21, 1945

Patten dies on December 21, 1945, from injuries sustained in a car accident on December 8 just east of Mannheim, Germany.

December 31, 1945 New Years Eve

On New Year's Eve, Wilson left Camp Herbert Tareyton Le Havre, France (Le Havre is the port city) at 10:00 a.m. and arrived at the Port Assembly Area at 10:45 a.m. to board the USAT "Vulcania" at 2:00 p.m. It appears that he spent the new year celebrations at midnight upon the ship. I can imagine the happy celebrations of the men as they prepare for home.

January 1, 1946 New Year's Day

The Vulcania departed from Le Havre, France at 9:30 a.m. on New Year's Day.

January 8, 1946


Wilson arrived at the NYPE (New York Port of Embarkation) at 9:30 a.m. on January 8, 1946, and left by railcar at 1:00 p.m. from Brooklyn, New York.

Wilson arrived at Camp Kilmer New Jersey at 5 p.m. on January 8, 1946.


INSERT image of telegram sent home.


When Grandpa returned home in January of 1946 , there were no big celebrations or big to-do’s of appreciation.  He said he had a wife and two children to provide for, so just two weeks later, he got a job working at the Union Electric plant where his Dad had worked.  In former years, they wouldn’t hire relatives, but Grandpa said he went down to the offices at 12th and Locust and they directed him down a hall to an office and they hired him immediately.  He worked during the day and went to school at night on the GI Bill until he graduated.  He said about five months later he put his name up on the board to bid for a new position higher up on the ladder, and got it.  He said that he moved up in positions unusually quickly.  He worked for Union Electric for 32 years, many of the years as a supervisor. 

Grandma and Grandpa had bought a home before he went off to war.  When he left, Grandma went to work, but they lost the home anyway. Grandma and Grandpa bought a second home at 1311 Lynch Street for $4,500 and put everything they could towards it.  They rented out the downstairs and lived upstairs.  The rent paid for the building in five years.  In 1953, they sold the home for $7,500 and used the money to buy the one he is living in today for $10,000 and the empty lot next door for $1000 more for the kids to play on.  Within a few years he paid off the house.  After the kids moved away from home, he sold the lot for $2,500.

Wilson was very active in the V.F.W. his entire life as a leader. (NOTE: What unit, positions, gather more information)

Grandpa says today he spends a lot of time at the VFW because he helps other men deal with the pain.  It seems Grandpa has got a good grip on forgetting the past and moving forward.  I think he’s got a tough soul, with lots of will power.


I am not sure of the timeline of these photos in the chronological story above, so here they are in a random order.

This seems to be a later photo, possible the trip home.

This seems an earlier photo. It appears to possibly be a cemetery in the background. It could be the trip home for a funeral I remember hearing about or it could be the cemetery he helped to rebuild in Paris.

Wilson is standing at the Cathédrale de Reims. Reims is located in Champagne, in the North East of France.

He is in front of West side of the cathedral. It’s not a clock, it’s a stained glass rose window (rosette). Very famous. Images here.

This photo would have been taken early in the timeline.

I wonder about this location.

This seems to be a later photo (he weighs more and has pins on his uniform). The fence with vines behind him is an interesting location.

This seems to be taken at the same time as the above photo.

This would seem an earlier photo.

This photo is taken in Paris, Arc de Triomphe. I love the feeling that it seems they wrote and that he sent a lot of photos home. There was much love in his family.

The sign says Epinay Enghien.

This is the location of the two cities of Epany and Enghien, just north of Paris.

This seems to be a good friend. I note the trees in the background are marked with paint on the bottom.

This photo is taken in front of Versailles Palace.

I have always loved Grandpa's big smile. I think I have his teeth and smile.

I wonder about the location. I see a memorial that begins with "the world war." I do not believe this is in France. Maybe it is in England. Maybe it is in the US before he left.

Here he is working hard. I love that he sent a photo home to show where he was working.

This photo intrigues me.

I want to know the location of this photo. Was this a vehicle he worked maintenance on or was this out in the field.

This was taken at the garden of Versailles palace.

This was taken at the garden of Versailles palace.

Wilson wrote on the back of this photo, "5 ton 6x6 dump truck, This is what I get to hot rod around in now. After I got my military driver's license, I took 80 mile trip with her."

I note Reims is 89 miles from Paris, so this may be the 80 mile trip he references. This photo was in Granny's tin, so he wrote his mother-in-law a letter.

These two photos are in London, in front of Buckingham Palace, Victoria Memorial. They were in Granny's tin, so he must have mailed Granny a letter.





Copyright Cheryl Rutledge-Brennecke
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