Baptist Current River Access is located off of Highway YY, which turns into Dent County Road 6670, and left onto Dent County Road 0653.
From Montauk State Park, leave the park marked as to Highway YY (which is actually quite a distance), which is found by turning right exiting the campground, which turns into a gravel road. Turn right onto Dent County Road 0653.
There is no camping allowed at this location, but it is a beautiful place to swim. There is a bathroom on location.
I often see this location referred to as "Baptist Camp Current River Access," which is even how it is titled on Google maps, so do not be confused as no camping is allowed here. Note on the above map that there is no "tent" icon at this location.
Visit the Ozark National Scenic Riverways Map and download it for you trip. The above image is a snippet of this map showing the Upper Current River places to visit. Not all of these places are in Dent County as some are in Shannon County, along with the Middle Current River areas.