The Ste. Genevieve Garden Walk quickly became one of my favorite repeat activities to do. It is held every May and is a photographer's photo walk dream of textures and lovelies, not to mention flower lovers too. Each person pays for admission located at the Visitor's Center downtown and is given a map and detail and then you are on your own to visit the locations in the order of your choosing. Although many are within walking distance, we prefer to drive to each location. The local plant society also has a sale straight from their own gardens and I have picked up some great plants. There are plenty of places to stop and eat. Of course Ste. Gen has so much to offer, but when we go for the garden walk, we rarely have timne for much more. So plan to come back to explore some more on another day.
This was a memorable time for me on the 2018 garden walk. I just do not know how someone could watch this slideshow of videos and not be totally inspired for their own garden. I have to look at them from time to time just to be reinpsired myself!
The following are some select photos that are also included in the May 19, 2018, garden walk slideshow above.
I selected just a few of the photos from the above May 20, 2017, slideshow to share here.