The Fun Extras - Set Six
108. Youtube Subscriptions
Do you subscribe to any channels on YouTube? Who are your favorites? Share so we can subscribe too!
Of course, please share scrapbooking, crafting, or learning channels please.
Here are your comments!
I like What the Duck comics.
I like Chris Prillo...he's so techy geeky!
I didn't know you subscribed to YouTube. I just thought you went in and watched what you wanted. How do you subscribe to "channels"?? Hummm---do I see the possibility of a lesson here??? NancyP
I discovered YouTube subscriptions a few months ago. I subscribe to Digital Scrapper and photoshopelements. About half of the Digital Scrapper videos are mostly advertising their classes and products, but there are some useful tips in the other half. JanetMM
I'm with Nancy--never knew you could subscribe. I just go on when someone links me a YouTube video and I click on several more. I find I waste a lot of time doing that!! Better not to subscribe for me! Belle33
I subscribe to Hummie... does that count?? Dawn
I never knew you could subscribe but like Diane I'm better off staying as an occasional viewer because I would be watching it all the time. However I might have to go and look at the sites that have been llinked lol a1bjm
Nope, no subscriptions. lovinlifegurl
No subscription, either. Jules
I've subscribed to Hummie's, Chelle's Creations, Scrap Girls, and Digitals.
I don't think i've even subscribed to anything on there. I don't use youtube all that often. I do on occasion find myself looking for crocheting tutorials that way. JustaMommie
I think I have a log in. Never thought about subscribing. Hmmmmm Nanscraps
yes I have a bunch of them, digital scraping, making cards, cooking Dawn Miner
Besides my fitness channels and Hummiesworld: