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fun extras

The Fun Extras - Set Six

110. Your Thoughts on This video

There are SO many things to ponder in this video. Please share your thoughts! Share your favorite quotes from this video.


Here's one from me to get you started!

"Would someone be glad that I did it and would they get something good out of it, and would they leave me and be any more inspired?"

You will read me saying often how I feel that the digi-world is just a big circle of inspiration. How many times have I created a new challenge around here just by seeing one little thing in someone else's layout?

I think that the most important thing is to be able to inspire future generations through my art. Of course, I will never know if I am successful at that.


Here are your comments!

Ok, then-----THAT was interesting!!!!! My eyes are still twirling in circles!!!! I guess if I were to pick one piece that kinda hit me, it would be where she is looking out the window and you see the word "inspired". You just never know where your inspiration is going to come from. NancyP

I loved this video! I kept thinking of my grandson Max who used to wake up each morning at the ripe age of 3 and say " I HAVE to draw, Mommy!". He doesn't do that anymore but he does still like to draw. The words that particularly stuck out to me were "don't care too much" meaning it doesn't have to be perfect, especially if a child is doing it. Too often children are turned off from art because they think it has to look a certain way which is a shame. Belle33

This is so cool! I had a little trouble keeping up cause I kept getting dizzy But I think what stuck with me was "would they leave me and be any more inspired?" I often wonder if I impact anyone. Do I inspire them with my attitude, or with the scrapbook page I just made? For example, I haven't scrapped in a long time, and I scrapped on Saturday, and today is Tuesday, and I have only one comment on my layout. And that was from Hummie. So does anyone really care if I scrap or not? Just my two cents. Dawn

For me the music overpowered the spoken word and the speed of the painting detracted from the overall effect. No one knows how much we inspire other people, we can only hope that we do and if that is the case I feel it should be incidental and not something that you deliberately set out to achieve and expect praise for. To me art is personal and should be created by you for you, if others are inspired by your creations then thats great. Also, unlike Diane, I am not in favour of the words 'dont care too much' because even though I don't expect perfection I think anything we do should be done to the best of our ability. Sorry Hummie, not keen at all. a1bjm

I'm keen! I love it. Thanks, Hummie. lovinlifegurl -

Thanks Hummie, I love it. Jules

I like the quote you quoted Hummie, but even if I don't inspire anyone else, I still want to create. Tammsyhere

Hmmm, well, I guess, that I am hoping by scrapping my family's life that I will inspire future generations to continue on with it. Wouldn't it be wonderful to someday have a 100 years of your family history in what we now know as scrapbooks? It would be so amazing to read the journaling on those pages decades reading a history book, only it's your own history. Also, I love creating things using crochet, cross stitch and sewing. I'm not sure I've ever thought about doing them to inspire others. I really love doing them, making a blanket or whatever, and I love making people happy by giving them these gifts. I'm just not sure I've ever consciously thought about if what I am doing is inspiring anyone else. Justamommie

the video was cool but it made me dizy it dose make you think but I loved the PLANT SEEDS that covers it all Dawn Miner

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