The Fun Extras - Set Six
118. Photo Organization
Please share with us how you organize your photos.
Here are your comments!
Hahahaha - I have tried several versions of organization, I have an external drive now so I can move from one computer to another, I live in more than one place. I have tried using the organizer on PSE to help but that doesn't seem to work with an external drive. NanaRose
I organize most by date: 120603_frmCam-canon = all the pics i downloaded from my canon on june 3 2012. Pics from my family don't usually come from my camera, so those are a little different: one big folder for my sisters group; one big folder for the older family; separate folder for my son. Inside each as separate folders for each person in the family (if there's more than one pic), and for various combinations of them, ie, i have separate, combo, mom+child1, mom+child2, dad+child1, dad+child2, child1+child2 - combo=any combination that doesn't fit the spelled out ones. BEFORE the dawn of date_frmCam-which cam, i have folders for vacations by year and place. After that, i just get confused, so i do have one folder that's just called, PICTURES. LOL. lovinlifegurl
I don't - maybe that's why I can never find anything. cats4jan
I have iPhoto on my MAC and I organize my photos there into events by date/occasion. After I scrap the photos, I put them in another event labeled appropriatly such as: Pheobe & Nate 2012; Max and Danny, 2012; Misc; Mouse Book, etc. I never use the Organizer as it seems to slow everything down. I also have an EHD where I keep older photos in their folders by date/occasion. Belle33
I have a folder entitled "Pictures" where all my pictures go. I then make subject folders - i.e. "Birthdays", "Outings", "Holiday", etc. Within each of those I make year folders and then the pictures are all filed by date. Works for me. Tammyshere
Mine are named and dated, but not the best systom, my kids tell me I am not organized. Jules
Always by date. I've been organizing them this way for over 10 years. I don't think I'll ever change. JustaMommie
Photos in EHD are by subject. For example I have a folder called FAMILY. Inside that folder are files for each family and inside those are files for each family member. For my thousands of physical photos-----well---lets not even go there!!!!! NancyP
NancyP and I are clones - my photo organization of my hundreds and hundreds are exactly the same as her folder. Family then each family member has a folder and in their respective folders are dated with whatever photos were taken that month or year and then I give up. At least when I open a folder for that person in a particular year, it triggers my memory as to what event was going on and sometimes I will then rename the folder to add the occassion. ccynden
I have several main category folders within 'my pictures' eg family, holidays, cars etc. Each of those have sub folders for each event/person. Then I have a large misc. folder and its sub divisions are for things like sunsets, flowers, animals etc. Each folder is dated. When I download the photos if I think one is worthy of scrapping I copy it into my 'to scrap' folder so that I dont have to go hunting for it. As for my old prints they are all in albums, labelled and dated but unfortunately not in any particular order so if I want one to scan I have to thumb through approx 25 of them - must count them one day a1bjm
by occasion or subject. for example "madrid" for my vacation in Madrid, "ale" for my nephew Alessandro. BUT what if I go in vacation with Alessandro? my entire system will collaps ^__^ Chiara Castelluccia
hi, i like to use acdsee 14 for organising my photos and also on my external drive and love catagorising my files before i make a page. i usually organise by shop and kit name and then colours or type of elements. kylee
I have a folder for each year, followed by month, then by date. Although I need to organize this years photos. They are helter skelter everywhere! Lol Dawn
organization What!!!!!I have a folder for each year, followed by month that's as close as I come. I am bad Dawn Miner
I have a folder for each year. In these folders I have a folder with the Year/Month/EventName I have a few folders that are by family/friend name, but mostly they are organised the first way Maggie
I use Historian by Panstoria for sorting my jpg pictures. It automatically sorts by date, but in addition it does facial recognition and tagging. I have tags for events, holidays, vacations, school, etc. I have over 100 family and friends tagged. My vault has over 33,000 pictures in it. For my raw pictures, I use Lightroom, but they are only sorted by date. Once I edit the picture, I put the jpg in Historian and use its organization capabilities. If I need the raw file, I can use file name and date to find it in Lightroom. Bev