The Fun Extras - Set Five
Does scrapbooking take you away from other hobbies?
Since you began scrapbooking have you stopped doing other hobbies?
If not what else do you do? If yes... Why?
Oh, yes, I've stopped out crafts. I used to counted cross stitch and haven't picked that up in a long time. I used to read and do not do that. I used to do genealogy and have no time for that now. I used to enjoy recipes and baking and don't do much creative with that anymore --- oh so much stuff!
Here are your comments!
I've never really had any other hobbies. I used to do some casual online gaming on pogo, but I gave that up long before I discovered scrapbooking. The only other hobbby I really have other than scrapping is singing, and of course I haven't given that up! Dawn
It's always a balancing act for me. Right now, I'm focused on spending more time with my DH - so my scrapbooking suffers. I love making things - my latest hobby is making things with acrylic sheets. g_robb53
No, I can still manage to cook and bake and, of course, go to the beach in the summer. I do my crocheting at night while watching t.v. and I read at the beach and before I fall asleep. I found digiscrapping just when I retired from teaching, so I guess it's taking the place of my work schedule. Belle33
My other hobby is reading and no I would never stop Dawn Miner
Yes I did lots of crafts, between working and scraping and my family, it takes up all my time ! Jules
Now that you mention it, I used to do other things but I find I am always concerned about staying caught up on my lessons that I sort of pushed other things away. It is not a complaint, but my family notices that I am always working on my next lesson. ccynden
I used to do a lot of cross stitching, but hardly do any these days. I still do a lot of genealogy, and if I'm away from here any length of time, it may be family commitments, but it may be I've following up a new lead in my family history. JanetMM
I have learned to knit at times when I am not by a pc. I knit must of the time in the car, waiting for the grands. I do not spend equal times on the two. I talk about digital scrapbooking more. 204cg
I read a lot and do a little counted cross stitch in-between scrapping. At the moment I am trying to catch up on editing the holiday videos and transferring VHS tapes to digital formats a1bjm
Yes, scrapping--and all its related activities--has taken over from counted crossstitch, quilting, basketmaking, soapmaking, cooking, and oh dieting. LOL! lovinlifegurl
I don't think so. I really wasn't into many hobbies before scrapbooking. I read occasionally and also oil paint and I pretty much still do them, but just not to the extent that I scrap. NancyP
Not really, no. Still read and hike and go for drives. Tammyshere
I haven't stopped doing other hobbies. I just find that I go through periods where I do one more than the others. I love to cook, scrap, crochet, cross-stitch, bike and sew, JustaMommie
I have always cycled through my hobbies. I did cross stitch for years til I got tired of paying for frames. I have always knitted, but after I knitted everything I could think of and give away, including socks, I burned completely out. I have also made stacks of lap sized quilts, but have burned out on that too, once I discovered Digi. Your supplies are inside a computer, cost very little, you can undo anything and start and finish a layout in very little time. No ripping, no finding a place to store supplies. Plus, and most important to me, I seem to have a knack for designing a layoutsh that I never had for knitting, quilting, sewing. I have found my inner artist. In quilting, you cannot move a slider to change the color of your fabric!! Nanscraps
I used to sew & make cards back in the day. A friend got me started on paper scrapbooking and I began buying loads of stuff. Then I came across digital scrapbooking and wish I had found this before the paper scrapping. I haven't done much paper scrapping because like some people above, I get this frenzy where I want to get as many lessons done as possible in as short a time as possible. Crazy I know. Anyway, I've almost completed a paper scrapbook for a friend's daughter who is getting married so that's good. When I get back from the wedding I want to finish my granddaughter's scrapbook which I started quite a while ago and have not gotten very far on. I get frustrated when things/people get between me and my digi scrapping classes. Obsessed a bit I think. I will have to be careful in future Maggie