The Fun Extras - Set Five
Where do you buy digital scrapbooking supplies? Enable each other! Which stores to you shop at most? Link us up please!
Here are your comments!
Since taking your Designer Course, I rarely purchase scrapbooking supplies. One place I do frequent, however, is Atomic Cupcake - love her PSE actions and styles. g_robb53
I don't buy products very often, but I have come to like PickleBerryPop. Dawn
I've kind of stopped buying kits, too, as I seem to have such a huge stash. I have been buying templates from Scrappin With Liz as she has such a variety. I do still buy from Createwings at A5D when she comes out with some new kits I can use. Belle33
I also dont buy to much Ihave bougt from Atomic cupcake ,chelles Creations,Flergs Dawn Miner
I have stopped buying kits, I have alot of stash and am trying to do my own thing. Jules
I like Creative Victorian Designs and Heritage Scrap for kits and the graphic templates by Americo at Creative Mundi (he's joined another shop now, but can't remember which one, I usually just to to his). I've bought a few PSE Actions from Karen Stimson at DigiScrapStation. JanetMM
I have paid subscriptions to various digital scrapbooking clubs, like Rakscraps, GottaPixel, Digishoptalk, just to name a few and so each month I have access to all the kits. ccynden
Digital Crea, Scrapbook Bytes, Digital Design Den, Digidesign Resort mostly. I should stop though, as I have more than I am game to admit to. Heaps of them I have never used. But I am a clutterer so I NEED lots of elements. No white space in my layouts LOL. JodyT
No favorite site. I use resources from hummies and if I see something I like I get it. DSP is my initial contact with digital scrapbooking. 204cg
I'm very eclectic. I always get the Megas from IvyScraps (it's reconstructing now, so no link yet): i love Waite for the Moment Designs and Designs by Gloria Val Verde and i can get them here. I also like Coolscrapsdigital and digiscrapwarehouse. Wherever Kim Broedelet is, i shop there too. She is at Scrap Matters and SugarHill Co. at the moment. lovinlifegurl
I don't have a favourite shop, I tend to look around several sites when I'm in the mood to buy. Pickleberry Pop, OScraps, Designer Digitals and are the first that come to mind a1bjm
i buy stuff from digidesignresort,digitals,scrapbooksgonedigital,,scrapgirls, items on ebay. Thought i think i need to stop for awhile as ive got so much now Kylee
I don't have any favorite shops. I browse and if I like I buy. 204cg
I buy most of my stuff from Digital Design Den, but I also get a lot of free stuff because of my CTing. Also if I am looking for something themed that I need for a layout, I will google it to find out where I can get a kit. NancyP
Don't buy as much as I used to...but a couple of my favorite stores are Scrappity-Doo-Dah and Gotta Pixel. Tammyshere
I haven't bought anything in a long time. I can't remember where I last bought from. I have been so busy with our recent move and settling into the new house, I just can't think of what my last purchase was. I have purchase from Jacabean, who I don't believe is designing anymore, but I could be wrong. Pretty sure I've purchased from Gotta Pixel as well. I keep waiting for life to give me a break so i can scrap more, then I could buy more! LOL JustaMommie
I've bought a number of my kits from Digital Scrapbook Experts (DSE), but they've closed shop. I've gotten mine mostly as freebies, but I do enjoy Marisa Lerin from whom I've recently bought a few of her paper templates which she had on special. Correen Silke & Jeanine Baechtold are 2 designers whose kits I use a lot. I've tried to use Hummie's in more recent layouts, but I only have a couple I got as freebies. I want to purchase some of the full kits when I can, especially the kitchen one as I want to do a recipe scrapbook. Maggie