This place is not well known except by maybe the locals and we even had to follow directions we found to find it. It is not an amazing place that you would want to drive a long distance to find, but since it is not too far from our home, it is a nice little spot to take a day trip to visit and sit and relax. Someone verbally gave me directions as "at the intersection of Rock Springs Road and Rock Springs Hollow road, just south of Thebes." That was not easy to locate, but we eventually found it. Rock Springs Hollow is located further down Highway 3 from Thebes, Illinois. This place would be called a small "shut ins" area. We found the area on August 12, 2018. It might be a good idea to go back in the Spring when more water is flowing to see how the area changes.
At least someone put a trash container here as it seemed to be full. There seemed to be evidence of local party-type people hanging out here.