Saxon Lutheran Memorial is a living history venue with 19th century buildings and activities. It is right in the middle of "Lutheran country" with the nearby Lutheran Heritage Center & Museum of the Perry County Lutheran Historical Society, Altenburg and the original Saxon settlements including the first German Lutheran settlement. It is located at 296 Saxon Memorial Dr, Frohna, Missouri. It is open for groups and at other times throughout the year to tour, but a highlight is always the Fall Festival. In 2022 they are under new ownership and, therefore, I am not sure what hours they are open. It is worth a visit for whatever church you associate with just for the period history.
I did take any photos in 2021, but only the video above which shares a lot how awesome this place is to visit for historical purposes. I visited here for the live nativity in 2022. See this location in the Christmas Country Church tour 2022 video.