On October 26, 2014, we camped at Clearwater Lake, but it was so long ago I do not know which campsite we camped in, and the above slideshow is of the photos I took. I do remember driving all the way around the lake and not being very impressed. We did stop at most of the designated areas and someone who is a regular there may recognize them in these photos. We are just not "lake people" because we do not have confidence or knowledge to rent a boat, nor own a boat. We did have some fabulous views as you can see from the photos and it was a relaxing time. Black River goes through the lake and I did learn at one point that Black River above Clearwater Lake is beautiful and below Clearwater Lake it is mucky.
The closest town is Piedmont, Missouri, which is is Wayne County, but most of Clearwater Lake is in Reynolds County. The above video slideshow has more photos, but I put some here for you too.
I like the people in the boat under the tree in this one.