Caney Mountain Conservation Area is in Ozark County above Gainesville Missouri. From Gainesville, go 1 mile east on Highway 160 to North Highway 181. Travel 5 miles to the entrance sign. This is where we went. I recommend getting the map before you go as I do see on the map some "vista" markers that I would have tried to drive to had we had a map. There is also a hiking trial and some springs on the map. August 15, 2022
There seems to be a south public hunting area. From Gainesville, go North 2 miles on Highway 5 and follow County Road 5-107 approximately 3 miles to the entrance. We almost went that way!
We were without the benefit of a map and wondered if there were more to this area than we saw. We entered the park and did see the camping area which was really nice, flat, and along an open area near the tree line. We followed the main road quite a distance and did cross Caney Creek, but never saw anything too exciting. Then I decided to take the road up the mountainside to see if I could find a view. It was something I was glad for my 4-wheel drive truck for sure! Up and up we went and when at the top we saw this view as in the photo. The road continued, but we decided to turn around and call it quits.
Along Highway 181 we kept seeing these beautiful mountain view though! Wow! It was worth the country drive for us! Just beautiful.