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[Doodle by Tara at Doodle Through the Bible; This devotion and doodles are our Christmas gift to you and we pray God bless you richly.]
I am so busy! I seem to always be hurrying to get this or that done. Even when I purposefully drop things from my to-do list, something else always seems to fill it. I try to cram everything into every free minute of the day. I do stuff before work, at lunch, after work, and into the late of the night. Sometimes I am even hurrying just to wait! I get depressed when I am unproductive.
During December, the month speeds along and there are so many to-do’s. What if we would hurry in the same fervor to meet Jesus? Christmas is hurrying to meet Jesus. Now that is a good kind of hurrying!
The angels traveled in a whoosh from heaven to tell the shepherds about Jesus’ birth. “And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!’ When the angels went away from them into heaven. . . ” (Luke 2:13-15a). Now that’s another kind of good hurrying! We hurry to praise God! Praise God it’s Christmas! Glad tidings of great joy I hurry to bring!