I think this is one of my more favorite devotions because it describes my attitude so well and is something I can cling on to. I absolutely love the image that Tara drew as it brought together all the thoughts in my head over the years into an illustration.
Life is all about change and adapting to that change whether we want to or not.
Last night we were attending the office Christmas party with everyone have a happy grand 'ol time and suddenly my husband received a text that his sister was taken to the emergency room after two bad days of not being able to keep food or medicine down. Suddenly life changed. The party continued to go on around us as our hearts sank. It was hard to try to participate in the fun anymore.
Change. Adapt.
Immanuel. Change long ago. With us. Even through our changes today.
Please pray with me. I praise you, Lord! I give thanks to You for You are good. You were change long before we were ever conceived. You came to us in a name. Immanuel. You are with us. You are here to help us through these difficult moments, even if it is just to be with us to comfort us during the difficult times or to rejoice with us during the happy times. Keep hope's bright star aglow in our hearts. Show your mercy on this sinner and keep me from trusting my own merits to ride through the bends, curves, and changes in life. I put my trust in You as You walk beside me, guiding me, and holding me up when the road gets too twisty for me to endure alone. I trust in You as I adapt to change and see the good in what is new around the bends in life. Oh, though I may mourn what is lost in the past, I remember that You work all things for good and have a purpose for all things; I also look forward to what is to come in the future. Ultimately, at the end of the road, is eternal life with You. I just want to ride the rest of this road with You at my side until I get there. I pray these things in Your holy name, as you live and reign with the Father and Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
Also, I found God's timing incredible. I saw this mixed media book about "change" yesterday and shared it. Then today I open the devotional for the day written weeks ago and find it is also on the theme of change.
On the same page,
(first posted 12/12/15)