First posted 12/9/15
Peace be to this house! I actually went to a dinner party last Sunday and I had it on mind to say that when I entered their house to great them, but then I forgot! I was thinking back to this devotional as when I wrote it, it really stuck in my own head.
I love the ending thought in the devotion of the Prince of Peace entering every home. In fact, He is here now in my home and he is not only the Prince of Peace, but he is my wonderful counselor as I talk to Him in prayer, my Mighty God who is with Bev and Pam as they endure terminal cancer, and my Everlasting Father who will bring us all home in heaven for eternity. He is here right now with me in this room. Even when hubby and I are grumpy at each other, He is right here in this room.
When I made the above margin strip, I struggled with the creation of it. I do not like the results. The creating of margin strips has become a burden to me. So unless I get a whim before now and tomorrow morning, this will be the last one until a whim hits me.
Please pray with me. I call upon You, oh Lord, for You will answer me. You are right here with me and hear my words. All the time whenever I am ready, You are here! No matter where I am at, You are here! Forgive me, Lord, and thank You for how wondrously You shower your steadfast love upon me. Hide me in the shadow of Your wings and protect me from stress, adversity, tension, disagreements, and anything that works against peace. I praise You for being my Prince of Peace, my Wonderful Counselor, my Mighty God, and my Everlasting Father. I pray for peace in my home and in any home I may enter and in the home of anyone reading this prayer. I pray for peace between countries and safety for our soldiers who sacrifice to protect us. I pray for the end of wars, including all those small wars between two people and all those big wars against evil people in this world. I pray for Pam and Bev who have terminal cancer and each day brings greater weakness. Have mercy on them, O Lord. From the moment you breathed life into them, they were sinners, but You oh Everlasting Father will be calling them home to heaven soon. By Your grace, give them strength to be unafraid of dying. Comfort those around them and all that care for them. I pray these things in Your name whose face I seek. Amen.
On the same page,
P.S. Both Pam and Bev did pass away in 2016.