(first posted 12/2/15)
Keeping the peace has been on my mind this past week a lot. When you feel attacked by others, how do you keep the peace? I found myself hiding. Literally. I found myself letting people walk all over me, taming the tongue, and conceding. All of these things are not necessarily right or wrong ways to keep the peace. I can think of other ways that may or may not have been better. If I had to be perfect in all my ways to be found without spot or blemish when Jesus comes again, I would (and do) fail miserably.
Thank God that He is the Prince of Peace! He washes away all of my wrong ways and my sins and finds me without one bad spot or blemish! How loving is that!
Please pray with me. Lord, Prince of Peace, thank you for your patience with me as I will always be under construction until the day I pass from earth to heaven or the day of your second coming. Help me, O Lord, by Your might that the sins that weigh me down may be quickly lifted by Your grace and mercy. Thank You for Your gracious forgiveness that keeps me without spot or blemish so that I may always be prepared. Your love covers a multitude of sins. I live for the rest of time for Your Will. Lead my self-control and earnest desire to love others and to love myself. In Your amazing name I pray. Amen.
P.S. Thanks to the few people who commented and sent me encouraging reminders.
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