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[Doodle by Tara at Doodle Through the Bible; This devotion and doodles are our Christmas gift to you and we pray God bless you richly.]
What is it about Christmas lights that just sets the mood and gets me in the right spirit for Christmas? It would not seem like Christmas without them. I know this to be true because one year we did not put them up. I thought enjoying everyone else’s would be sufficient. Decorating and hanging lights is something I dread doing, but once I make myself do it, my whole state of mind changes. There are those lights that gleam, glow, blink, and bubble; but no matter the type of light, they mesmerize me. In a similar way, I love candles and campfires.
My favorite are the lights all in all blue accented by white, which is why we hang them on our own home. I also really like the bubble lights that we put on our tree that remind me of my Grandma and Grandpa because I would stare at them as a child on their tree.
Every year I make it a point to take a family drive to look at the lights on the houses, businesses, and the display at the park. The best part is when we park the car and get out walking down the street. I wonder how many people miss the ambiance created while walking down a dark street created by the contrasting glows and shadows.
The lights remind me of Christ as I note them shining in all directions. Jesus is everywhere! It makes me want to sing ‘Oh Little Town of Bethlehem’ lyrics, “Yet in thy dark streets shineth, the everlasting Light, the hopes and fears of all the years, are met in Thee tonight.” God is light. Jesus came into the darkness, that being the sin of the world, as the light of the world, to overcome all. “In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” John 1:4, 5. And I am mesmerized by that Light and I want to spend time with Him as my whole state of mind changes, my spirit lifts, and His light begins to shine through me.